Monday, April 25, 2011

The Royal Wedding

This week is the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. It is quite an event all over the world but especially in England. What do you know about England? Here is a website that answers lots of questions about England. Check out a few of the facts and tell us what you learned that you did not know before.

I learned there is a difference between Afternoon Tea, which is usually at 4:00 and has small snacks, and High Tea, which is more of a meal and held around 6:00.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


This week the movie, Rio, opened. It takes place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which is in South America.

South America is a continent. Continents are large expanses of land. There are seven continents in the world.

Click here to see if you can identify all seven continents.

If you could travel to one continent, which continent would you select? Tell us why you selected that continent.

Monday, April 11, 2011


A monument is a structure built to commemorate (recall or show respect for) a person, place, or event. You can find monuments many places. Here are some famous U. S. monuments. 

This week write about a monument you have seen or heard about that you found interesting. Tell us why you thought it was so interesting.

I was lucky enough to be able to see the Eiffel Tower in Paris. I had seen many pictures but had no idea how large it was. When we climbed to the top, we could see for miles. We were so high up, the people below looked like little ants! Here is a picture I took of it so you can see just how large it is!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Play Ball!
Baseball season has started! This sport is filled with history, statistics, and all kinds of interesting information. Click here for a great search engine to find a player you never heard of before. Name the player and tell us a few facts about him.

I found a player named Kirby White, who was born in 1884 in Ohio. I thought it was interesting that he pitched right-handed but batted left-handed.