Friday, October 15, 2010

A Surprise Visit

 Before posting you will need to read a news report. Click here to find it!

If you were going to write a letter, as Beatrice did, to invite a character from a movie or a book to visit your classroom, who would you invite? Beatrice wrote that they were "budding young pirates." What would you write that would interest someone so much that they might come visit YOUR classroom?


  1. I would like Jackia Jane to come school.He could teach use karate.

  2. I would like Desean Jackson to come to school. He is the best football player on the Eagels

  3. If I could invite anyone into the classroom for a surprise visit it would be Mo Willems. He is the author of many childrens books like, "Don't Let The Pigeon Drive The Bus" and "Knuffle Bunny." I would invite him because he seems to have an excellent sense of humor and relates well to kids. I also think he just might visit us because in the past students have written him letters and he was kind enough to respond. He seems like a neat guy to have a conversation with.

  4. If I could have any sports star to come to my classroom it would be Dyawn Wade. He could teach me he's 3 point swishes,layups and ball handling.If I could have another star it would be Lubon James.He could teach me how to jump high and do a slam donk.

  5. I would like the acuter that plays Harry Potter to come to my school so he could tell us all about his years of filming the Harry Potter the series. I bet if I asked him to tell us spells that he had to say when the camera was rolling like,EXPECTO PATRONUM! And any other spells from the movies and books.

  6. If somebody could come to the classroom it would be Ryan Howard on the Phillie's team. I want him to come because he is the best pitcher on the whole team! I would like it if he came in because I would also like if he came in and told why and how he became a perforation baseball player. If I could I would write a bunch of letters to him! But I will probably not ever be able to see Ryan Howard in my life in less I go to a Phillie's baseball game!

  7. If I could have someone come to my classroom it would be Michael Vick he is the best player on the team! He could teach how to play football really good. I would be really happy to have him come to my classroom to teach us!

  8. I would love for Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) to come to my school.(Roundtown Elementary) I would love for Emma to come because she is cool, interesting, and awesome. Emma is Hermione in Harry Potter. She plays in all 7 books & all 6 movies.

  9. I would love for Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) to come to my school. (Roundtown elementary)I would love for Emma to come because she is cool interesting and awesome Emma is Hermione in Harry Potter. She plays in all 7 books and all 6 movies

  10. If I could invite someone to my school it would be George Lucas from Lucas-film/ Lucas-arts.He made the Star wars movies.Here are some names:Star wars Return Of The Jedi.He is awesome for creating Star Wars!

  11. If I could have any star it would be Jaden Smith. He could try to teach me how to rp. He could teach me better karate then I known right now. He could try to teach me how to do flips.I think it would alsome if Ben Rethburgh could come in he could teach me he's football tecnich.

  12. If someone could come to the class room it would be Ryan Howard on the Phillie's! I would like him to come because I want to learn to play baseball. I would also like him to come because I would like to learn to pitch.Did you know Ryan Howard is the best pitcher on the Phillie's. I think I will ever see him in a life time.I can only see him if I go to a Phillie's baseball game which I really really really wont to.I hope the Phillie's win there next game they play!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. If I could have anyone in my classroom I would have Arie Kaplan who made Club I would ask them all these questions about how he or she made the website. Maybe I would ask how long was club penguin online for? The reason I would want he or she to come to my class room is because they have alot of people online even me.

  14. I like to have Mikel Jordan to be over to my classroom he is a great ballplayer now I have shoe's there blak that is how I am a big faen

  15. If I could have someone come to my classroom it would defeitle be Lashon Jackson he is on the NFL football team The Piladefya EAGLES! I would like him to visit because he is the best runningback on his team.

  16. I would like to have Micnab over to our classroom.He used to play for the Egles but now he plays for the red skins.I think he has a great sens of homor. I am a big fan of Micnab.

  17. It would be cool if tom Brady came in our class and talked to us about how he does every thing patriots are my favorite team. and I think that tom Brady is the best quater back he has eight wins in over time and one lost.

  18. If I could visit Arie Kaplan so I can know how he makes the books and video games. I want to see how he makes his books because they're interesting and they're funny. I want to know how he makes the video games because I always wanted to play one of them and I want to know how he makes the video games look like they're real.

  19. Patinn maning I wud like to go in to my classroom to show me to thow a good thow to a rser curd boe a player and iterds his bother to me.

  20. i would like miley crys to come to my class room so she could teach me how to sing

  21. I like fall because when the leaves chanch colors
    fall is my favorite season and I like to rack up the leaves then jump in it.

  22. I wish that the chargers team wold come to shcool and play football with me at resse

  23. I would like Selena Gomez from Ramona and Beatrice [the movie] to come to my classroom because she is funny and loves to make new friends.

  24. Ashley I would like MileyCyrus to come to our class and sing for us!!!!!!!

  25. i would like joe flacco to come because he is beastyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy go ravenssssssssssssssssssssssss

  26. If I could invite any famous person to my class it would be justin beiber because he is so good at singing and he can teach me how to sing if he came in to my classroom yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  27. I would invite Hannah Montana to go in our class beacase she might give me a front seat pass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
