Saturday, February 12, 2011


What makes a good friend? On Valentine's Day we usually let those we care about know how much we like them. As you think about the special people in your life, what are the characteristics you think are most important in a good friend? Write a few sentences to describe what you think makes a good friend.

Here is my example:

I am lucky to have several good friends. When I think about what makes my best friends so special it is that I always feel good when I am around them. We have a good time together even when we are not doing anything special. They don't expect me to be perfect and love me even when I make mistakes. They are always there for me when I need to talk about something important. I hope others think I am a good friend too.


  1. I think a good friend is someone who makes you feel better when you are sad.

  2. I think a good friend is someone who helps you when you are hurt.

  3. I think a good friend cares about you when you are sad.

  4. I think a good friend is someone who helps you when you need help.

  5. I think a good friend is someone who cheers you up when you have a lose in your family.

  6. I think a good friend is someone who cares for you.

  7. I think a good friend is someone who is always on your side.

  8. I think a good friend helps you with your math if you need help.

  9. I think a good friend helps you to tell time.

  10. I think a good friend is someone who is there for you when you need them.

  11. I think a good friend is someone who plays with you at recess.

  12. I think a good friend is someone who is fun to be around and someone who likes you just the way you are.

  13. My friend is Jordan.He's funny.He's cool.He's all ways there for me.

  14. I am a lucky person because I have some friends.When I look at my friends I smile.When I feel sad they come over and help when I need help.They aren't perfect I'm not perfect.

  15. My friend is Payton because she is nice to me. I think a good friend is someone who cares. I also think a good friend is someone who is nice to you.

  16. My friend is Patrick. He is cool. Patrick and I will always be friends.

  17. I think a good friend is someone that helps you when there by your side.I also think a good makes you feel good when your mad or upset.

  18. I'm lucky because I have a best friend Kiki. She is always there when I'm sad. I think a good friend cares about you.

  19. I think i'm lucky because I have a friend like Onye'. Onye' is always there when I need her. I think Onye' is the best friend anyne could ever have because she is a great friend to me.

  20. I am lucky because my friend Cristal is nice to me. When I am sad she cheres me up to make me be happy again. I think she is one of the greatest friends that I had in my life.

  21. I am lucky that my freind Nya Laila Seanna Payton Makenzie I always nice to me an they are the same back to me I will always love those freinds.

  22. I am lucky that my freind William makes me laugh.We have fun at recess.Also he is nice to me.

  23. Im lucky to have my friends Cyler and Justyn.Cyler is nice and a good and justyn is a nice friend too.If I didnt have them I dont know who id have.

  24. I think I'm lucky to have a friend like Patrick. He is always nice. Also he is funny.

  25. I am luky that I have many freinds are nice to me even when we get in fihgts we still are freinds anyway.I think a good freind is when they help you and if you brake something or hert somethig they will be there for you.I dont meen if your not there your not my freinds.

  26. I am lucky to have have many friends. I like my friends because they're not mean to you and when they do speacil things to you I do the same thing back.

  27. I am luky to have lots of friends.When my friends and I get in fights someone says sorry then we are friends again.I think a good friend is when if someone is being to you your friend will be with and stand up for you.

  28. When I think about good friend is when they help you when you get hurt. I also think a good friend is when you play with them. And I also think when you are a good friend is when they have a sleepover.

  29. I am glad the I have to amazing frinds in my life so I have sombody that I can play with, and talk to.And if I had'ent known theme we would not be friends.And my frinds are Emma, Annie and Goariga.

  30. A good friend is someone who plays with you. When you are sad they will cheer you up. If they get mad at you they will still be your friend. For example, if you fight over a jump rope and your friend grabs it out of your hand, you should just walk away even though you are mad because they will still be your friend the next day. A good friend will not laugh at you when you make a mistake and will help you if you need help.

  31. I am luky that I have a freind.Because they are always there for me.And if we get in fights we will say sorry.And I have someone to play with all the time.

  32. I have a lot of good friends. My friends are funny and make me laugh. The best thing about my friends is that they are always looking out for me and when I get hurt they help me up.

  33. I am so luky that I have so many friends. I now my friends are so specil because their always by my side. That is I now I have specil friends.

  34. People are luky to have a friend so they can play with each other and talk to each other and that is why peopl are luky to have a friends.

  35. People are lucky to have a friend. They can play with each other and talk to each other. Good friends spend time with each other

  36. i think a good friend is someone who forgives you when you make a mistake and a fun person to be around.

  37. I think a good friend is a person that always has your back through every thing. They help you a lot. I think a nice friend is a friend that is forgiving. But if they just want hang out with you because of your cool stuff that is not a friend, a friend is someone that likes you for who you are. I'm lucky I have good friends that like me for who I am.

  38. A good friend is someone can help you how to play and can help you and other things and is nice to you and give you something.

  39. The things I would like in a friend is the fiend that first comes to my mind is a really funny,fast,fun to huge,friendly and ever thing else!He also is a fun guy to play with(like tag)and invites me to his partys most of the time.He likes the same books I like (like Percy Jackson and the Olimpeines). And that's all the stuff I like in that friend!

  40. A good friend is when they look out for and help you and is nice to you and if you give something to they to baron and they give it back to you and help you do thing that they can do but you can't do it and help you no a video game.

  41. I think a good friend is someone who includes you in many things and makes sure you feel like your in the green circle. Someone that cares about me is someone named Jillian! She keeps me feel save at school and at other places to. I am a person that trys to include and play. A lot of people think I am a nice person but I try not to show that because I don't like when I make people sad and I am not there to help if I don't know it! I think a nice friend is someone that is always there for their friend!

  42. I like the friends I have because they encourage me to do stuff, they help me with stuff I don't know. That what I like in friendes.

  43. A friend is a person you can trust and a person you can count on and someone you can play with,that helps you,cares for you,thinks your his/her friend. And that thinks you like him/her that's what I think a friend is all about and a friend is someone you can trust.

  44. I think a friend is some one that cares about you and helps you if you need help. Friends might get mad at you but they do not stay mad at you forever. A friend is a person that shows you caring, sharing and respect. A friend would cheer you on. Your friend should always make you smile. Friends should forgive you and apologize to you. A friend is some one who plays with you. Your friend is some one who under stands you in every way. You and I are very lucky because we have great friends. I can't even think what the world would be like if people weren't friends. Can you?

  45. I think a good friend is someone that helps you in situations and is kind and helpful. There nice to play with. A friend who shares with you and helps you up when your down. A friend is someone who stands up for you. They like you even if you like something that they don`t. A friend comes to you when your alone that`s a true friend

  46. I think a good friend is someone that cares about and likes you alot. I think a good friend is someone who thinks you are fun. I think a good friend is someone Is nice.

  47. A good friend is someone who plays with you. When you are sad they will cheer you up. If they get mad at you they will still be your friend. For example, if you fight over a jump rope and your friend grabs it out of your hand, you should just walk away even though you are mad because they will still be your friend the next day. A good friend will not laugh at you when you make a mistake and will help you if you need help. I would like in a friend is the fiend that first comes to my mind is a really funny,fast,fun to huge,friendly and ever thing else!He also is a fun guy to play with(like tag)and invites me to his partys most of the time.He likes the same books I like (like Percy Jackson and the Olimpeines). And that's all the stuff I like in that friend!I think a good friend is someone who includes you in many things and makes sure you feel like your in the green circle. Someone that cares about me is someone named Desire! She makes me feel save at school and at other places to. I am a person that trys to include and play. A lot of people think I am a nice person but I try not to show that because I don't like when I make people sad and I'm not there to help if I don't know it. I think a nice friend is someone that is always there for their friend!

  48. I think a friend is someone that helps,plays,forgives,and loves.But that is not all it depends on what kind of friend many friends are humans but some are animals like one of my friends is a horse.You can trust a friend.I love my friends.

  49. One of my friends is almost just like me but he is taller. Me and him have a lot of stuff in common. One of the things that we have in common that we both like to be funny. Another thing we have in common is we are both reading the Percy Jackson book sires, have the same hair color, we were both at each others houses, we like shoes and and the same cloths. I'm glad to be his friend.

  50. What I think a friend is kind caring and helpful when you need help I know my friends care about me because they helped me before and are very nice to me and I hope they think I am nice to them because I try to be nice to every single friend equal and I care about them if they get hirt or someone hirts there feelings. I would do the same if some one gets hirt in there family and they would probly do the same for me if I was hirt or somthing happend. that is a true friend.

  51. I think that a good friend is someone that cares about you and doesn't make you feel bad. Like my friend Kelsey she is a good friend because if someone is mean to me Kelsey is always there to make me feel better. Kelsey is also a good friend because she always tells me the truth and is not mean to me.I think that a good friend is a friend like Kelsey.

  52. A good friend is some one who cheers you up when you are sad and is someone who plays with you and has your back.

  53. I think a good friend is person that all ways has your back and always is there for you. A nice friend is someone who forgers you at all choss.

  54. What I think a friend is someone who helps you throught your tough times like someone punched you hit you or anything hard with your family like your mom or dad died or your grandparents.Friends are people who will help you no matter the problem to make you feel better.

  55. What I think a good friend is that the are very caring, sharing and respect. My friends help me with things I do not no. One of them is Integration, it means united and that means to come together. If I ever make a mistake they will not laugh at me. A friend is some one who cars and will always be nice and they may end up being mean but you know they will always be your friend.

  56. I think a friend is some one that cares about you and helps you if you need help. They are also very respectful. Some times they can get mad at you and you get in a fight (not good). If I ever make a mistake they will not laugh at me because that is what friends do. My friends help me with things I do not no. I will always have a friend to take care of me!!!!

  57. I think a friend is a nice person that cares.

  58. I am lucky to have several good friends. When I think about what makes my best friends so special it is that I always feel good when I am around them. We have a good time together even when we are not doing anything special. They don't expect me to be perfect and love me even when I make mistakes. They are always there for me when I need to talk about something important. I hope others think I am a good friend too.

  59. i think a friend is someone who cares for you and is always there for you

  60. i think what makes a good friend is if your friend spends time with you,cares about you,and looks out for you!!!!!

  61. I think friends are someone to talk to you when you want someone to talk to.

  62. I am lucky to have some good friends becuase they are nice to me.And at recess i have something to do besides running around in circles.And they are also very nice and kind to me.They also help me and things like that.

  63. I think a friend is someone how is always there when you need them.My bff's are Jade and Alexis.

  64. FREINDS CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  65. Friends are nice unlike SOME of mine. Friends wouldnt abbanden you when ur sad unlike SOME of mine and friends wouldnt hang out with people that ........ ok never mind

  66. friends are some one who cheers you up when you are down.

  67. A friend is someone you can trust! A friend is nice and a respectful friend! YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. A friend is also a someone who keeps secerts and has lots and lots and lots of play dates even if it's a boy you can still trust him with all your heart and all the nice things you have to say never be mean to a best friend who you can thrust and care...
