Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Judith Viorst

One of the authors who spoke at the National Book Festival was Judith Viorst. She wrote Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. She has three sons and the youngest is named Alexander. Have you ever read the book?

Her current book is titled Lulu and the Brontosaurus. It is about a girl who wants a Brontosaurus for a pet and her adventures in trying to find one. Ms. Viorst read the first several chapters to us and it sounds really funny!

Write a few sentences about your pet. Here is my example.

My Golden Retriever is named Heath and he just turned three years old last Saturday. He loves to play with his friend, Grady, and go for long walks with me. He is very lovable!


  1. I have a dog,2 fish and a hermit crab, too. My dog is a mutt, and she is so cute. Her name is Bethany. My fish's name is Stanley, my sister's is named Swimmy, and my hermit crab's name is Martha.

  2. I have a dog named Betsy and a fish named Stanley. I think I got Stanley for my birthday and Stanley is a beta fish. My dog is a yellow lab.

  3. My cat CeCe loves to play with the red lazer light.

  4. I have a dog named Sadie. I love her very much because I have had her for my whole life and we play fetch a lot.

  5. I have two dogs. There names are Lucy and Max. I play fetch with Lucy and Max.

  6. My hamster is the best pet I ever had and her name is Rhino. One of my dogs is named Faith and the other is Pippi.

  7. My dog name is Zoe like to tack my food. i have one more dog hes is 6 her name is maggie i do not get to see her.

  8. I do not have a pet but I have a favorite stuffed animal. Her name is Dots. she a dog.

  9. I have a dog . Her name is Clara. Clara is very fun to play with. We play tag.

  10. I have a two kittens I got them for Christmas. There names are Puma and Pebbles. Puma is a dark dark gray. Pebbles is brown with little pebbles on her back.I want to tell you more but I am running out of room.

  11. I have a dog. He is a yellow lab and his name is Gunther. He just got surgery and he is the dog I will always love.

  12. I want a fish for Christmas because I think it would be a good first pet. If I could pick what kind I would probably want a tropical fish.

  13. I used to have a pet. I went everywhere with him. His name was Sabby. Sabby was a dog.

  14. I have a dog and his name is Murphy, he is a boxer dog. He loves his peanut butter kong and he loves when we get him a new toy.

  15. If I got a hamster for Christmas I will name it Flully. Then I will see what it dose when I put it in a hamster ball if I can make it.

  16. My dog's name is Bunker. He is a husky lab chow mix. But for some reason he likes human food more than dog food. He loves to play tug-of-wore!

  17. I fed my cousin's dog Justice. He is a Rotwhiler.

  18. I have a two dogs. My first dog is named Winston. Winston can be very noisy sometimes. My dog sometimes likes to get into the trash, but I will always love him no matter what. My other dog is named Bella. Bella is very gentle and quiet. If you hold her for a long time she will shed all over you.

  19. I have a pet frog named Froggey. He is green and I like to watch him.

  20. I have a crab, fish, lizard and frog.
    My crabs names are Lizzy, pinch the last one is Lucy. My lizard is named Lightning Bolt. My fishes names are Baby Gold, Silver, and Swimmy. My frog's name is call Hoppy.

  21. I have a fish and its name Misty. Its a gold fish.

  22. I like to play with my dog Bethany.

  23. I share a dog with my grandpa.
    the dog name is Blackjack.
    We call him BJ for short.
    I really love BJ.

  24. I had hamster named Max.Max bit a lot. Max was white with black stops.

  25. I had a dog and I'm getting one it will be a golden rechever I think the dog I will be getting will be asome

  26. I really want a dog! But my mom will not let me and my sister has one. They think a dog would be hard to take care of,they think it will shred and they think it will go to the bathroom on the carpet!

  27. I love to play with my cat sour! Because he always gets his ball with the bell in it and he pounces on it.

  28. I whant a fish because it is easy to tack care of.

  29. I do not have a pet but I would like to get a lizard and a tree frog!

  30. I am getting a dog this weekend.

  31. I have a dog and his name is golden

  32. I once had a fish named Miley

  33. I used to have 2 dogs both were golden we will get a golden in 2 or 3 weeks

  34. I like my fat cat June bug. sometimes she will nibble and scratch you.

  35. I have 2 a dogs named bella and max and they are fun to play with.

  36. I do not have a pet now but I am going to get one when I move to a different house but I still have bunny his name is well I forget but I am getting a beagle.

  37. I have a dog named Daisy who likes to play with my family and she also barks at everything that moves even cars that drive by.

  38. I allwes whanted a pet fish but my mom siad
    I cant because she dos not like pets
    even a fish she thinks it tacks a lot
    of work to tack care of it
    even feeding it.

  39. I have a dog and too lizers and one hamper because I like those pets.

  40. I had a fish named Miley I got her from the fair she shared a bowl with two other fish. I she also was the first fish to die.

  41. I have a toad named Lugei Murlin Toad, he is small he likes ants and small stink bugs and moths he dos not like lady bugs.

  42. I don't have a pet but I once had a gold fish and I forgot his name. If I would get a pet I would get a pet I would get a lizard and a tree frog!

  43. I love my fat cat cat June bug. When you have cereal, she will come up bugging for some. Also, if you rub your foot on her stomach, she will nibble and scratch your foot. She is an enormous amount of fun to play with.

  44. I like to have a dog for my pet because I will like a puppy because they are cute. They are great fun to play with. I would get a Yorkie because black and brow.

  45. I used to have 2 golden's the one name soyer is enter jetic he would tare are clothes if we did not play with him. the other was com we might a golden in 2 or 3 weeks.

  46. I have a dog, Dallas. She is so much FUN! She love when I rub her. (under her chin) She is 1-4 German Shepperd and 3-4 Poodle I don't like anything more then her!

  47. I have a dog named Bear.He dose things you don't aspeckt a old dog to do he likes to be kald Bear-Bear.He sometimes dose thing you will not bleave like running in my gradpa paster. He is a black lab mix.He is cute. I love my dog.My bother is I tack tunes for week to tack care.

  48. I have two pets. One is a pomeranian named Pumpkin. He just turned 7 this August. My other pet is Paisley, a long-haired calico cat.

  49. I have a dog named DaVinci. He is a very sweet dog. I love him a lot because he is so nice and playful also he is very cuddly and cute. DaVinci loves to play with other dogs. His best friends name is Gino. Gino is my dads mom and dads dog he is the same size as DaVinci. Geno is so hyper and DaVinci is not as hyper as Geno. DaVinci is my first dog I ever had. He is only 5 years old.

  50. I used to have a bunch orf fish but i'm just going to talk about Nemo. Belive it or not the fish really was named Nemo but he died and my dad flushed him down the toilet. :(
