Thursday, October 7, 2010

If You Could Visit Another State

If you could go to another state, one that you have never been to, where would you choose to go? Be sure to tell us the reason you would like to go there.

Click here to see a map of the United States with all the states.

Here is my example:

I would love to visit Alaska. I have never been there but have seen pictures of its interesting animals and beautiful scenery. I do not think I would like to visit in the winter though, as it would be way too cold then. But, in the summer, I hear it is one of the most wonderful places on earth!


  1. I would like to go to Niagara Falls. To see the waterfalls.

  2. I never thought about visiting a place I visited recently, but was pleasantly surprised at how lovely it was. John and I went to Albany, New York this weekend. It's the capital of New York. The town had beautiful buildings and had breathtaking scenery at the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers. The rivers were sparkling from the sunlight and were lined with trees showing off their fall colored leaves. Just gorgeous!

  3. I would love to go to Hawaii because it is so hot there and because it is so beautiful there! Another reason I would love to go there is because there are lots of beaches there! One reason I would NOT like to go there is because it is to expensive to take my mom,dad,and my brother!!! Another reason I would not like to go there is because it is so far away from America!!!!! But I would love to go there some time in my life even if I go there when I am old!!!!

  4. I would love to go to Texas because then I see all kinds of snakes, flowers, animals and all sorts of cool stuff!!

  5. I never new I would go this far out of the state but I did. I went all the way to Wyoming and South Dakota! I saw some beautiful things like the Tetons, Mt.Rushmore,Deer and Crazy Horse. I also saw tons of animals! I thought everything was just butiful!!!

  6. I want to go to Hawaii because I want to go out and just relax, get a tan, and get sand in between my toes. I want to lay on a nice warm beach, and sand.It would be nice.

  7. I would love to visit Florida because my aunt and uncle said it was lovely down their so I can't wait to go to Florida in Decamber.

  8. I would like to go and visit florda again because my gandpaw lives there and I have not seen him in a while and I miss him.

  9. I love Tennessee because my fifite team is in that sate they are the Tennessee tituns and I wuld wunt to see the muise place that a bunch of siners that are fmis

  10. I would like to go to Michigan.I bet my sister would love to go to Montana because she might think Hannah Montana live there and when I got to Michigan and visit a old friend!

  11. I would like to visit New York.
    I would like to do that because I could visit cool places,like the statue of libirty.I could look at the Empire State buiding. I think it would be so cool to go to New York. I hope I can go some day.

  12. I would really like to go back to New York not the city though back to my old house and see who was my neighbors were. I don't know who neighbors were because I was 2 when I moved.But I now some of my neighbors because my family visits sometimes.

  13. I whunt to go back to Florida after living in Florida because it is really hot at Florida and my mom could let us get a pool and will be really fun.

  14. I would love to go to Alaska because I heard it is super cold in the winter time and gets warmer in the summer time,but it is just to expensive for me and my family.Now you know why I want to go to Alaska.

  15. I would love to go to Texas because then I see all kinds of snakes, flowers, animals and all sorts of cool stuff!! Also I think that Texas is a really interesting and awesome!!

  16. I'd love to go to paris and some people say its the city of love and I want to see the itfil tower too!

  17. I would love to go to Tennessee because I love horses and farming.

  18. I want to go to Hawaii because I my friends that have been there said that the water there is so warm and that the volcanoes were so cool to look at and that the animals there are so cool . The houses there are different then ares and the locals are nice.

  19. If I could visit any state, I would like to visit Alaska. I think it would be neat to see all of the glaciers and the wildlife.

  20. I would want to go to north carolina. To go to a basket ball game

  21. If I could visit any state, I would choose to visit Louisiana. I have always wanted to go to New Orleans. I hear the food is absolutely fabulous. The music is top bar as well. I would love to take a tour through the city because it has such a rich history and is very beautiful.

  22. If I could go to any state in the hole world. I would go to Washington so I could see the White house.

  23. I like to go to Washington DC to see the white houes
    ,and talk to the presdent

  24. If i could visit any state it would be hawaii so i could visit my Grandma and Grandpa

  25. I would love to go to New York because I hard they have sprint cars and Motre Truks.

  26. I would like to go to Florida.I would like to go to florida because I like to go to the beach and I like the warm weather.

  27. I wold like to go to New Gersy. To see if cake boss is there because that is my favrote show.

  28. I would love to visit Florida. From what Ive heard, Florida is a beautiful place. Ive seen many pictures and visited many sites that have persuaded me to visit Florida one day.!

  29. If I could visit another state it would be Hawii because of it beautiful flowers and waters.

  30. texas,to eat the food :D ps,nom nOm nOM

  31. i would want to visit California orLos Angelas because i really like those to states. California because of Hollywood and Los Angelas because i love the place.

  32. I would want to go to Atlanta,Georgia because that is where my dad moved last year.So i would get to see him and the big city.It would be so much fun!!!!!!!

  33. Gabby,
    November 1 2010, I would like to go visit Flordia so i could hang out with my three favorite cusins i hardly ever see them except for holiday's so i would like to visit Florida

  34. i would go to new york because i want to go shopping

  35. I want to go to London because they have good cheese.(>'....'>) :D :) :( :P

  36. i would go to HAWAII because of the ocean and coconuts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  37. I would like to go to florida because I like the hot weather there and I think it is so so nice there.

  38. I would like to go to Hawaii because I
    like the great big ocean and I also like the big pom trees there.

  39. I would like to go to Hawaii because of the beaches because I heard they were really pretty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. Hi1 Its me bethanee again. yu know the one who likes California and Los Angeles. i also like utah because i was born thier and its beautiful.

  41. I wouild love to vist MIANE because i want to see the sea up there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  42. i would love to go hollywood because no winter,fall,or spring.all summer.

  43. If I could go to another state it would be Kentucky because I love to watch horses and I want to see different kind of compition.

  44. Ashley I would like to visit Manie because it is a cool pretty state in the United States!!!

  45. If I had a chance to visit a state I would visit Virginia because they have a great soccer team! It would be great for me beause I love watching soccer!

  46. I would like to go to Alaska because my parents have been there and they liked it. Another reason is that it has alot of wildlife and I like wildlife and it also has alot of ski slopes.

  47. ps non non non non non non non non non non noon

  48. I would like to go to Alaska because my mom and dad were there and it looks cool

  49. 0I would like to go to Paris beacause I want to try different foods and go t the Itful tower!

  50. i would really much like to go to germany because my ansestors were born there

  51. I would love to go to New York because I want to see the Statue of Liberty.

  52. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to go to California!First off and for most my aunt lives there and second off it never snows I absolutely HATE cold weather I mean who wants chapped lips all of the time seriously!
