Sunday, February 20, 2011

President's Day

President's Day is held each year on the third Monday in February. It was established to honor George Washington, our first president,  and Abraham Lincoln, our sixteenth president. Barack Obama is our 44th president.

Check out these secrets about our Presidents. After finding out about some of their secrets, write a sentence about which secret you found most interesting and why!

Here is my example:

I discovered that Chester Arthur really liked to fish for salmon. I found that interesting because salmon is my favorite fish.


  1. I'm doing it about Gorge Washington. I Did not know that Gorge Washington had horses. He brushed his horses teeth daily. I think that is a little crazy that he would brush a horses teeth.

  2. Did you know that Abraham Lincoln used to spy on his neighbors as a credit reporting correspondent and his job was to tell businesses who could be trusted with loans.

  3. John F. Kennedy our 35 President kept the White House's pool at 90ºf to warm up!!! I go in a pool to cool down but I think that is cool that he went in a pool to warm up!

  4. I learned John F Kennedy swam in the pool because he want to keep warm. He always made the pool temperature 90 diaereses. I like the to keep me cool.

  5. I discovered that Thomas Jefferson's
    Admirers once sent him a 1,235-pound block of cheese, with a note that read: "The greatest cheese in America for the greatest man in America." I liked this because I thought that would be a lot of cheese for one man.
    I could never imagine eating all that cheese I think that if I ate all that cheese I would get sick.

  6. Did you now that Theodore Roosevelt was on the mountain and he bring his dogs and there where
    attacked by the four lions and Theodore Roosevelt had a knife and he killed all the lions.!!!

  7. One of the presidents is William Howard Taft he was the 27th presidents. One of his secrets is that people called him pleasantly plump! I would not like to be called that at all. When Taft was elected as president he weighed 332 pounds. He said that that was over a baby elephant weight! I'm glad I am not someone that was called mean names like pleasantly plump like William Howard Taft was! That is William Howard Taft's secrets.

  8. I am doing Georg Washington I had no idea that he had horses and he made them brush there teeth. I knew he had a problem with his teeth and he made his horses but not him I think that is weird why wouldn't he brush his teeth to. what would I do if I where president? Or what would you do. I think Georg Washington was a good president.

  9. I fond out that George Washington had dental problems with his teeth.I had 2 soft teeth and thay maces me git cavity in my baby teeth.

  10. Did you knew that Theodore Roosevelt loved to go hunting. But....... Theodore Roosevelt LOVED dogs even more. Once his dogs were attacked by four mountain lions. But they were ok. Theodore Roosevelt was rear by and killed all the lions with only a knife.

  11. I learned a fact about James Moore the fact is did you no that James Moore was shot in the Revolutionary war and they did not take the bullet out.I think they did not take it out because it HURT to much!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. The president I did is James A. Garfield. It's sad he got shot in the back and the doctors tried to pull out the bullet but they never found it. Eighty days after he died. :( I picked James because he was an even number (20) and I never herd about him and his history.

  13. Wow I did not know that John f kenndy keeps his pool that hot that is way to hot for me and the pool. If I did that would kill me.

  14. I can not believe that admirers would send a block of cheese that is over 1,000 pounds to Thomas Jefferson. I wonder how long it took for him to eat all the cheese, I wonder if it took him years. But I think those admirers were kind to write that note witch said the "greatest cheese in America for the greatest man in America." I think that made Thomas Jefferson's heart feel warm.

  15. I am doing Andrew Jackson the 7th president. Andrew Jackson's had a pet pet parrot, Poll,Poll could whistle and even talk, but sometimes the bird wasn't exactly polite. Old Poll had to be taken away from Andrew Jackson's funeral service because she was saying bad words.Maybe she just missed Andrew Jackson? I like Andrew Jackson because in one of his paintings he is waring a blanket or something.

  16. One of the presidents is John F. Kennedy. He was our 35th presidents. He took dips in the White House pool to warm up and I go into my cosines pool to cool off in the summer time. My cosines pool has no cover/roof over top of it. I wonder if the pool at the White House has a cover/roof over top of it? I learn a lot about John F. Kennedy.

  17. My president mi working on 35 president john Kennedy 35 president John F Kennedy use too go swimming in the white House pool in the summer too go war up he kepe the pool warm at 90 degrees Fharenheit

  18. Did you know Abraham Lincoln was a a spy. He got in the movies from the back. Did you that Abraham Lincoln free the slaves so no will be a slaves. I think that is a very nice thing to free the slaves and he was a white person most of the white like it when there was slaves in the south.

  19. I did not know that our #1st president George Washington had false teeth.And he always wanted his horses teeth clean and fresh.I don't have horses and I don't have false teeth but I like horses.

  20. Did you know Andrew Jackson had a pet parrot named Polls and Poll can whistle and talk but wasn't always polite.

  21. I can`t believe that at Andrew Jackson`s funeral people had to take Andrew Jackson`s parrot away because the parrot was cussing up a storm. I can`t believe a parrot can cuss.

  22. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :DFebruary 28, 2011 at 9:37 AM


  23. i discovered that Chester Arthur really liked to fish for salmon. I found that interesting because salmon is my favorite fish.

  24. i learned that Gorge W.Bush surved 58 missions in war world 2.

  25. I liked the one about Kennedey he swims to warm up not cool down

  26. i have herd that George washington was first to walk on the moon

  27. thare is no scool on p day

  28. I decovered that george washington like nuts.I found that interesting because I like nuts.

  29. I discovered that Abe Lincoln spied on his neighbors.

  30. Did you know that Theodore Roosevelt loved hunting but he loved his dogs even more. One time a mountain lion attacked his dogs and he killed them with nothing but a knife.
    Did you know that Franklin D. Roosevelt's mother,Sara, really must of loved her dogs. When she went on vacation she would mail them post cards.
    Did you know that James A. Garfield's assassin shot him in the back.The docters tried to remove the bullet but they never found it. He died eighty days after he was shot.

  31. i think john macain should have won
