Monday, November 26, 2012

Snow, Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?
It is almost December and they are starting to predict snow. Do you like snowy, cold weather? What do you do when it is freezing, windy, and snowy outside? Do you like to be outside playing in it, or skating, or sledding? Or, do you prefer to be inside watching the snow while drinking a cup of hot chocolate? What are your plans if we have a very snowy winter?


  1. I hate the heat but I love the cold. If there is snow I call my friends and we all sled on the bug hill at my house we sometimes have competitions where we stand up on our sleds and try not to fall off the only person that usually wins is my neighbor when we get to cold we come in my house and have hot chocolate then at night my sister and I watch a movie. I love the snow thumbs UP!!!!!!!

  2. I love the idea of a snowy winter. Playing in the snow is one of my favorite things to do outside. I like to make snow forts and have snowball fights. I love sledding. I used to go sledding with my brothers all the time when I was a kid. The best part of all was coming back inside and drinking fresh hot cocoa. A GIANT thumbs up for snow!

  3. I like the snow because it is a wonderful time of the year. And because I like to be out in the outdoors a lot. And because I like to have snowball fights with friends. My favorite part is when we come in and drink some hot coco!

  4. I like the snow because I like making snow forts in my front yard.I also like to do snowball fights with my sister.When my dad blows the snow we try to run to not let him hit us.And when we get cold we go inside and drink hot coco.I love snow thumbs up!

  5. I like cold so much because I like to dink hot coco a lot in the winter. I some times go outside but I don't go outside a lot because in the winter it can get very cold in the winter. In the winter when my sisters come that is when go outside from the most part because I don't go outside a lot. my sisters come for the winter we like to play outside for a little bit. we like to play hide and go seek and that is is all we like to play because we don't stay outside for very long. but some times we have snow ball fight some times if we can get my mom and my dad they are on my team. Inside I like to sleep in but not to late because my sister Mikayla likes to sleep in late.So a GIANT thumbs up for snow.

  6. Yes, I do love snow, because I like to make snow balls and make a snow angle. What I do if it is a freezing, windy, and snowy outside, I will go outside and throw snow balls at my dad. Yes, I would like to play in the snow. Plus I'll also be inside drinking warm milk. My plans for a snowy winter is playing with my sister and coloring. I giving a thumbs up for snow!

  7. I like the snow because I like to make snow balls and throw them at my friends.I also like to make snow men out side.I like to stay in side and drink hot cocoa IN side.I also like to sit in front of my fire place.thumbs up FOR SNOW YAY!

  8. yes I love snow I. like to go sleading with my sisters.Lily and Ciara. I like to throw snowballs at my sistres. I like playing outside with them.

  9. I like snow because I get to play with my brother.I like riding my bike in the snow.Also I like having a snow ball fight with my family.I love jumping in the snow to get wet.Then I like coming in for hot coco.

  10. I love snow because I like having snowball fights.I think a huge snow thumbs up! I want a lot of snow because I want to sled a lot with my brothers.I also like having a war game with my brothers.But the best part of all is having hot coco.

  11. I like snow because I get to play with my brother,we build snow forts together.I wonder how many pieces of snow fall at a time? also I want to ride my bike in the snow sometime.My favorite part after I play in the snow is drinking hot coco, and taking a warm bubble bath when I come inside. A HUGE thumbs up for snow!

  12. I like snow because I can mack snow men. I'm more like a indor person. But snow is fun. I like to mack snow men. After I'm dun plaing I drank hot choclit.

  13. I like snow because I love ice skating.I also like the weather 'cause it keeps the snow for awile!I love the old fashion hot coacoa my mom makes.I also wonder how many peices of snow fall at the same time?I give snow a huongo thumbs up!!!!!

  14. I love snow because I like playing outside with snow. I also
    like to a build snowman. sometimes I go sledding. I love having snowball fights. and that was my favorite part. When I have a snowball fight I play with my brother,uncle and my cousin. If it gets to cold outside I go inside and have hot coco. BIG thumb up for snow!

  15. Today I went outside and played with my frined. We tryed to biled a iglue.We uesd my sled to carry the snow. Then went to her and went sliding. I love to go crash siding.

  16. I like the snow becuas its fun and exiding to make snow man and snow angles. Snow is awsome!! I love to make the snow mans face. I love to try and find rocs for the face. When I find all the rocks I make the face.

  17. I like snow because its fun to play in and have snow ball fights.But when it comes down to winter my sisters and me play and my neighbors come out and play with me.Then when its time to go in side I have hot chocolate then wach A movie. This winter I might be able to go tubing.I am also going to visit some family members and also. I am going to visit my dad in conneticut. thumbs up!!!

  18. I like the snow because how it sparkles in the sunlight. I like weather especially when it is windy and how the snow flies all over the place. I like sleding in the snow because I like how it flies in your face. Sometimes I like to settel down. But sometimes wach T,V.

  19. I like snowy days because I like to go sledding on the hill in our backyard. I also like to go sledding becuase I get to make tracks that my sister and I can ride on. I also like snow becuase I really want to make a snow fort. I have never made a snow fort before. THUMBS UP FOR SNOW!!!

  20. I like snow because I can build forts. I also like snow because easier to go sledding on my driveway. I a little bit of a indoors person because of the smell of hot cocoa that my sister makes. I can't stay outside because I'll get sick. Sometimes I have snowball fight's and I end up winning. I'll give big thumbs up.

  21. The snow is wonderful because the little twinkles in the snow make snow look so pretty, I think it looks like a Christmas winter wonderland. I do like indoors because it's nice and toasty. But outdoors in the snow is what I like the most. My dad and I build snow castles. (he makes seats out of snow) He also puts hot cocoa holders too. Then we build snowman as guards. A GIANT SNOW THUMBS UP FOR SNOW!

  22. I love winter when it snows because the snow looks so pretty because it looks like a lot of sparkles on the ground. When it snows I love to go sledding. In the winter I also like to drink hot chocolate to warm me up. Another thing I like to do in the winter is make a snowman.

  23. I love snow because i can make snow angles, snow mans, have snow ball fights go ice skating.

  24. I LOVE snow! Snow is sparkly, yummy, fun and I get Hershey's Hot Chocolate after! I like to catch snowflakes on my tongue and make snow angels. THUMBS UP FOR SNOW!

  25. I love winter when it snows because me and my brother can have snow ball fights, and make snow mans.

  26. I love to be outside in the snow because I like to make snowmen and have snow ball fights with my friends!

    1. me too! I love nailing my sister in snow!

  27. I love snow because when ever it snows I snow board with my dad.I also like to have a cup of hot coco and sit on my porch to watch the birds. we always go on a trip to ski. we also have a lot of movies to watch when it is too cold.

  28. I love winter because play in the snow. I have snow ball fight, with my brothers we ask people if we can plow there parking lot for money.we have so much fun in the snow we come in side for hot chocolate the we play video games.

  29. I like playing in the snow because you can go sledding and make a snowman I also like to have lots of snowball fights too.I also like to make a giant fort to hide from brother and his friends thats why I like snow and winter.

  30. I love winter so much and snow. But we didn't get much snow. I fell in the snow.

  31. I love snow!I always eat it because it tastes great. Snow is also fun because you can do snowball fights. I always love hot co co to. So I give snow a thumbs up!

  32. Yes! I love snow so much and I like to have a snowball fight. I hit my friends a lot too. It is fun. I have to make a fort too and I go skiing and sledding. I do not like to get snow hit in my face. I like hot chocolate and eggnog. and when I make more than 5 snowman I will play with my friends and it will be so fun!

  33. I love winter. I like winter because it snows a lot and I love snow. When it snows I always play in the snow. When I was little I played Star Wars in the snow.

  34. I like the snow because you can eat it. And because you can snowboard,ski and sled,have snowball fights and make snowman. When I snowboard I make ramps and I jump them. I also ramp when I'm on the sled. I love snow.

  35. I don't like winter because its too cold. And a lot of animals sleep. When animals sleep in winter it's called hibernating. I only like spring, summer, and fall because they're the most fun seasons. But the fun thing in winter is when Santa brings us presents on Hanukkah and Christmas in the winter. I also don't like winter because it gets dark early at dinner time.

  36. I like snow because it's fun to play with. I make snowmen and I love snow ball
    fights. I love snow!

  37. I love snow because snow is very sparkly and white. I like to catch snowflakes on my tongue the most on snow days! Sometimes, I help decorate the Christmas tree for SANTA! That is why I love winter!

  38. I like having snow ball fights in the winter. My sister and I build igloos for huts. My favorite thing is Christmas because we get gifts.

  39. I love snow because I love to play with my friends. I go sledding on my friend Peyton's hill. We have hot cocoa. And we do snow ball fights. So that's why I love snow.

  40. My favorite event this year is when my family went to a place in Florida called Discovery Cove. Me and my family went on water slides and went scuba diving. I also kissed a dolphin and swam with it.

  41. I like the ida of snow.Because kid's like to make snowball's and go sleding and making snowman's. I like to go sleding.

  42. i like being inside because it's warm. Also it's nice to be by the fire and watching Christmas movies in my pajamas and baking cookies. That's why I like being inside.
