Thursday, September 30, 2010

Rain - Crazy Rain!

Today was one of the rainiest days EVER! It seemed like it would never stop. Rainy days mean no outside recess or playing outside after school! We have to find other fun things to do.

What is your favorite thing to do on a rainy day? Write your response in full sentences. Here is my example:

On rainy days I love to sit and read a good book. I really like to hear the rain falling and look outside to see the water running down the street.


  1. On rainy days, I like to bake things with my mom and dad! I also like to sit and watch the rain come down.

  2. I like to play xbox360 and play with my dogs, too. I go to sleep and play with Andrew and Drew on rainy days.

  3. On rainy days I like to playing link on the wii in my bed room.

  4. On rainy days I like to sit in my room with the window open doing my homework.

  5. On rainy days I enjoy playing with my baby dolls. I also love to play teacher with my brother Tyler and my sister Briana. It's so much fun!

  6. On rainy days I like to play on the Wii in my living room.

  7. On rainy days I like to play board games and card games.

  8. On rainy days I play card games with my older brother.

  9. My favorite thing to do on a rainy day is to play boardgames. My favorite board game is battleship.

  10. The best thing I like to do on a rainy day is go in my basement and build legos. I've built a school house.

  11. On rainy days I like playing games and playing the Wii .

  12. On rainy days I like to play with my friends and do electronic stuff.

  13. On rainy days I like to play my recorder. I play two songs on the recorder so far . I also like to watch t.v. My favorite channel is Disney. That is what I like to do on rainy days.

  14. On a rainy day I like to play games.

  15. My favorite thing to do on a rainy day is to curl up on my couch and read a good book. I like reading on a rainy day because the rain quiets everything and calms me so I can really disappear into my book.

  16. During rainy days I love to curl up in bed with my pets and read a great book!

  17. my favorite thing to do on rainy days is to go across the street and play or watch tv with bff emily or we go to my hose and play

  18. I like to sleepin IF it is a saterday or sundsy but on school days I like to play my d.s lite!

  19. On rainy days I like to drawl or color or have a nice cup of HOTCHOCLATE.

  20. I like to sleep in with the window open when its pouring.

  21. During rainy days I like to draw!

  22. I like summer because it's hot and there's always ice cream trucks so i can get ice cream. Also swimming pools. I love to swim because there's water there.

  23. On rainy days I like to curl up on my couch with a blanket on me and drink hot chocolate while I am reading or watching t.v.

  24. My favorite thing to do on a rainy day is play my Ds. Also I like to play in the rain.

  25. My favorite thing to do on a rainy day is play in the rain also i like to get a blanket and wach a movie

  26. My favoret thing to do when its raining is draw. I like to draw because the sound of the rain makes me think of stuff to draw and also helps me think of what colors to use.

  27. My favorite thing to do on a rainy day is to play with my dog Zoe

  28. rainy days i like to stay at home and watch tv or i like to go to my friends house and play there and watch tv

  29. On a rainy day I like to sit and play legos.

  30. I love to go to to the moivetheater with my mom.
    PlayWiiat my Grandmother at midenight.

  31. I like reading a book or whip up a sandwich or two.

  32. On rainy days I like to play lego batman on my wii.

  33. i like rain because you get to go out and play in the rain

  34. On rainy days I like to curl up and read a good book like Diary of a Wimpy Kid.

  35. On rainy days i like to either watch my favorite T.V show or i'll write a story or i like reading my favorite book [even if i've read it one hundred times].

  36. i like rain because you can have more fun inside than outside well thats my opion maybe not yours

  37. On rainy days i like to watch the rain come down.While playing in puddles and running around.And i like to play the game of life and go shopping on rainy days.And i like to draw.RAINY DAYS ARE SO FUN!!!!!!!

  38. On a rainy day I usally watch t.v. But on other days I listen to the rain. I also play board games, my fav. is Seen-It. That's really fun. Another thing that I do is just relax. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!

  39. I sit out in my garage

  40. on sainy days I like to read by the warm fire.I also like to whatch funny movies because it cheers me up!

    from:Danae sinking springs

  41. Jordan-

    I hate the rain but I have to atmit when ever it rains you can relax an read a good book for the day.

  42. I don't like rain either but if you have to many toys or even toys you haven't even open from last chirstmas you can play with them

  43. I love the rain. I like it because I get to play
    video games. I don't like when it floods.

  44. on rainy day i like culing up to a good book infront of the fireplace

  45. I like to play vidio games. And read Harry potter books. I also like to practes taekwondo. Another thing I like to do is to practes math!
