Monday, October 4, 2010

Finally Fall

It seems like it took forever for the autumn weather to arrive but it is finally here. The days and nights are cooler. The sun comes up later in the morning and goes down earlier in the evening.

Write a sentence about your favorite season. Be sure to explain what it is you like about it. Here is my example:

My favorite season is spring because I love to see the flowers and trees bloom!


  1. I love the scorching heat of the summertime. Ninety degree weather is for me! I love to just throw on a pair of shorts and hang out in the sunshine! I also think that ice creams tastes better in the summer because it is refreshing and cool! Is it almost summer yet?

  2. I like the fall because it is cool,relaxing and it is my birthday.My birthday is October 9 2010,it is in 5 days.

  3. I love the fall because my birthday is in fall and that's the time of my favorite kind for base ball and basket ball! And I love to carve pumpkins when it's almost Halloween.

  4. My favorite season is winter because it is Christmas and I can drink hot choclate. I really don't like the season because it is so cold!

  5. My favorite season is summer it is always sunny.
    I love the fact that it is always 90 degrees.
    I like to swim side to side in my swimming pool.
    you can't really do that right know.Well you could
    try that in the fall the chances are you'll be soaked the second you dry of.

  6. my fiavertit seezine is summer because I git too swim in summer. I swim in green valley puill because it is ASIM.

  7. I love fall because facgives and leves I can throw at pepol and chic or chert. In fall we have a big prdey

  8. I love winter because I like to drink hot chocolate, play in snow, and I especially love to get presents from Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. I like fall and winter.I like fall because it's fun to gust JUMP-IN-TO-A-BIG-LEAF-PILE!And you get in leet October avere one knows obute Hloween and Thanksgiving.I like winter because Cristmist and snow and the warm foods.

  10. I like fall because of Halloween it is so fun and it's not to hot and not to cold.

  11. I like winter because the snow falls and Cristmist comes.

  12. I like fall because all the leaf is going to fall down and winder because the snow is fun and we can
    play snow fight

  13. My favorite season is fall because the weather gets cool and it's perfect for football season.

  14. I like the fall because you can jump in the leafs. You can ride your bike and you can take a nice cool walk.

  15. My favorite season is winter because I love the snow!!!!!! And I love the way the hot chocolate feels in my mouth, also I love how syrup and snow is so good!!!!

  16. I like summer beacuse you can go outside and play and go to the pool on a hot sunny day!

  17. my favorite season is winter because i love the snow and i love to sled with my friends

  18. My favorite season is summer becuse you can do lots of things incuding water like have a water baloon fight!

  19. my favorite season is winter because, no school, no homework,and you can build in the snow!

  20. Fall is my favorite season! I love the smell of dried leaves and the crunchy sound that they make under your feet. Picking out pumpkins is one of my favorite activities! I also love to cuddle up in a warm sweatshirt when watching football games outside.

  21. My favorite season is spring because its not to cold and not to hot.

  22. My faveorite season is winter beacause i love to sled with my friends and play this funny game called fudge!

  23. My favorite season is winter because {ecspeacily on christmas eve} I LOOOOOOOOOOVE to sit by the fire and hang up ornanents and a mug of hot coco with my
    faimly and sing,dance,and watch!BYE!!!

    P.S.+I love to relax!!!!

  24. My favrote season is summer or winter!I like winter because I like to eat snow and drink hotcoclate!!!I like summer because I love to play.

  25. My favorit season is winter because my brother and I build tunnels in the snow.

  26. My favorite season is Winter becasue it means christmas is son hear.

  27. My favorite season is winter. Because I get to ride on my sled and to build a snowman.

  28. my favorite season is summer. because I like to go swimming.

  29. My favorite season is winter.Because I like have snowball fights with my friends.

  30. My favorite season is fall. I like jumping in the leaves.

  31. My favorite season is winter. I like snowball fights.

  32. My favorite season is fall. I love when the leaves change colors.Halloween is my favorite holiday.

  33. My favorite season is summer because I like to swim and play outside all day with my friends.

  34. My favorite season is winter because I get to snowboard

  35. My favorite season is summer.My favorite season is summer because I like to swim in the pool.

  36. My favorite season is Fall because I like to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night.

  37. My favorite season is Winter because I like to sled and drink hot chocolate.

  38. My favorite season is fall because I like to tape leaves together drink hot chocolate. I like to play with my friends and to watch movies with my family, and go for walks.

  39. My favorite season is Winter because I like the snow and to play with snow balls.

  40. My favorite season is summer beacase I play in baseball tournamints and go on vacations

  41. my favorite season is winter. it is my favorite season because christmas and christmas vacation

  42. I like to eat cookies and jump on my trampline and play with my baby brother.

  43. My favorite season is fall because I love to jump in leaf piles.

  44. I like winter because I play in the snow.

  45. My favorite season is fall because that is when I go hunting.

  46. My favorite season is either fall or winter. I like winter because it snows, and I like fall because it is very pretty outside!

  47. My favorite season is winter because I love to sled and have snowball fights.

  48. I love summer because we do not have school and I love to eat ice cream!

  49. I love winter because it snows at the bus stop and we get to play there.

  50. MY favorite season is fall because it is my birthday and football season.

  51. My favorite season is winter because I love the snow.

  52. My favorite season is winter because I like to play
    in the snow.

  53. MY favorite season is fall because it is my birthday and football season.

  54. My favorite season is winter. I like winter because I like sledding and I like drinking hot chocolate.

  55. My favorite season is summer because it's my birthday on August 10th.

  56. My favorite season is winter because I like to play in the snow.

  57. My favorite season is winter because you can make a big pile of snow and then jump in it.

  58. One of my favorite seasons is Spring. My birthday is in Spring. I probably have soccer and maybe the start of baseball.

  59. My favorite season is Winter because we get to have hot chocolate and we have Christmas with our relatives.

  60. My favorite season is fall because I like the color of the leaves.

  61. My favorite season is summer because I can swim in my swimming pool.

  62. Fall is my favorite season because there are two favorite reasons. My first reason is that you get to go trick or treating. My second reason is because you get to pick pumpkins and carve them for Halloween.

  63. My favorite season is summer because it is my birthday.

  64. I love the summer because you can go sweming.

  65. I am so happy that fall is here so I can look at the orneg, yellow,red and brown leaves out my glaes slidin winndow sile

  66. I like summer because i get to play with my friends and have sleep overs

  67. I like summer because it is my brothers birthday and my birthday. It hot in the summer so i like to go swimming in my pool in the back yard, I like the hot weather,and you can get some fresh air in the summer because it is much more hot out in the summer than winter.You see a lot of butterflys in the summer too.

  68. My favorite season is winter because I love the snow.

  69. Winter because the cold snow suits me fine and the brimming cold is bracing

  70. my favorite season is winter because u can make snowmen,snowangels,have snowballfights,and mostly hot cocoa espestaly homemade cocoa.

  71. my favorite season is summer because you can go swimming and play with your family and friends and have a good time

  72. My favorite season is summer because I like going to Green Valley.

  73. My favorite season is fall because i like to wear long sleeve's,.

  74. My favorite season is winter because I get to go tubing and sledding with my family and friends in plus we get hot chochlote.

  75. My other favorite season would be fall because I like to make a pile of leaves and jump write in them and I like the weather.

  76. I like winter because i love to make a snowman.
    On my snowman will be..... a hat , two sticks , bottons , a pair of pants , a pair of top , a pair of gloves and finally a pair of shoes. I just love to make a snowman.
    i love winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  77. my favorite season is fall because in fall it looks very beautiful the trees look very PRETTY!!!! And i also like fall because its not to cold or hot!!!

  78. I like summer and winter because no school and christmass

  79. I have a lot of favorite seasons because there's always something wonderful about each . But I'll say one of my favorites. One of my favorite season is winter. You can go outside and the snow sparkles like crystas glittering and sparkling in the small rays of light, pilled up like mountains and the white world. When you go outside dressed and bundled up in coats and scarves a slight nippy breeze hits your face. You waddling around like penguins rolling around and making forts. And there's always a little buubbling excitment as the day gets closere and closer birthday and the start of a new season.

  80. i like winter because you get to run into frozen trees when you sled
