Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nice To Meet You!

If you had the chance to meet a famous person who is no longer alive, who would it be and what would be one question you would ask them?

Here is my example:

I would like to meet Albert Einstein because he is one of the most intelligent people to ever live. I would ask him what he believes to be the most important invention of the last 100 years.


  1. I would love to meet actor Heith Ledger. The reason I would enjoy meeting him is because he was and still is one of my favorite actors, who is involved in a few of my favorite movies.

  2. I would like to meet Benito Mussolini because he was an important part of Italy's history. I would ask him what it feels like to be one of the least notable dictators in history.

  3. I would like to meet Kurt Cobain, because he was the singer for one of my favorite bands, and a rock legend. I would ask him how it feels to be dead.

  4. I will like to met Biggie Small. I will like to me Biggie because he is one of the greatest rapper of all times. The one question i would ask Biggie is, who do he think the best rapper in the game right now?

  5. If I were to meet any deceased person, I would like to meet Charles Darwin. I would ask him what exactly he thought or think about peoples' perception that God is the creation of man.

  6. I would like to meet Randy Pausch because he is a very inspirational figure to me. I would like to ask him what he thinks are the most important lessons to learn throughout life.

  7. If I had the chance to meet any deceased famous person, I would meet Dai Vernon. I would ask him why he believes Erdnase is the most important text ever written.

  8. If given the opportunity, I would choose to meet Eleanor Roosevelt, the first lady to former President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to ask her how she balanced her roles of a supportive wife and a female political activist in such a socially decisive time in American history.

  9. If I could meet any famous person, I would meet Audrey Hepburn because she had an amazing life. She was a great actress and humanitarian, and she was beautiful inside and out. I would ask her what inspired her to start acting, and what kept her motivated through her career.

  10. I think that I would like to meet Leonardo DaVinci. He was one of the greatest minds of his age. He was also one of the greatest artists of all time. His work with inventions was amazing because he was just so far ahead of his time and I would like to talk to him about his inventions and where he came up with them and his views on art and then what he thinks of today's art.

  11. I would like to meet John Lennon because to me, he is such an inspiring person. I would ask him how it felt to be in one of the most popular bands of all time. I would also ask Lennon how he obtained the positive attitude he had on life while he was still living.

  12. If I were given the opportunity to meet and speak with someone who has died, I would choose John Lennon. I would choose him because The Beatles are my all time favorite band, and their music was a big part of my childhood because my dad had them playing all day, everyday. If I could ask him anything, I think I would want to know what it was like being at the top for so long, or how it felt to be that famous. I would also like to ask him how it feels to have his music mean so much and still be popular among young people even after 40 years of not being a band.

  13. I really don't know what person that I would like to meet I would like to meet a lot of people. But I cant think of any one that is no longer liven. but if I could meant someone that is liven I would want to meet Ellen Hopken. she is a book writer. I would ask about he kids she writs all about them and what they went though I would want to ask all kind of things about the drugs and and the hardship she went though growing up.

  14. I would like to meet Mike Salisbury. He was a famous designer that was the brains behind many icons, products, branding, and movies. I would ask him what the key is to becoming so successful.

  15. If I could meet someone who is no longer alive, I would choose Frank Sinatra; I find his music to be very relaxing. I would like to ask him what his inspiration behind his songs were, and what he hopes people would take from his songs.

  16. I would like to meet Franklin D. Roosevelt because I have always respected his New Deal policies and the way that he led our country. He helped push us through the worst depression our country has ever had and I would really be interested in how he would handle our current economic calamity. He gave work to those who did not have it and even towards the end of his life suggested a second Bill of Rights to guarantee worker's rights. I would like to ask him in private if he was at all encouraged by the socialist movements that were also going on at this time in eastern Europe.

  17. If I could meet a person who has died, I would like to meet Judy Garland. I would like to meet Judy Garland because my favorite movie was " The Wizard of Oz." If I could ask her one question, I would ask her if she enjoyed playing Dorothy Gale in "Wizard of Oz?"

  18. I would like to meet Michael Jackson!If I were to ask him a question ? I would ask him what he sees in music and how he feels about music.Also, I would ask him how he was lead to being a popstar.

  19. Id like to meet Abe linkin and ask him how many kids he grew up with.

  20. I wont to meet m.j..I wood ask him how many songs did you make ?

  21. I would like to meet Babe Ruth because he is a pro at baseball.I would ask him why did you play baseball?

  22. If I could meet Elvis!!!! I would ask him what is your favorite song? and why is it your favorite song and do your fans like it too?

  23. I wuold like to meet Abe Lincon. I would ask him if being presitent wasw fun and was it a lot of work?

  24. I would pick abe lincon I woul'd ask him how was it being preistend was the white house like a manchan

  25. I would like to meet Martin Luther King JR. I'd ask him If he was alive what job will he get and why?

  26. I would like to meet Babe Ruth because he is good at baseball. I would ask him how many years have you played?

  27. I would like to meet Michael Jack. Because
    he was one of the very famous people. My question would be what made you want to be come white

  28. I would want to meet Babe Ruth.I woud ask him how many home runs he hit?

  29. I would want to meet Leanrdo davince. I would ask him what his next inventch will be. I would ask him that because most of his invenchens are interesting.

  30. I would want to meet Abe Lincon.I would ask him how hard was it to live in those days

  31. I would meet Reggie White. I would ask him how it was to play on Monday night football for the Eagles.

  32. I would like to meet Ben franklen. I would teel tech him how to scate bourd on a sidewalk and on a rampe.

  33. I would love to meet Michael Jackson. I would ask him what was your favrite part of singing.

  34. I would want to meet George Washington. I would ask him what it would be like to have wooden teeth and to be the first President.

  35. I would like to meet Theodor Geisel.I would like to ask him what are his favorite books that he has read?

  36. If I could meet a famous person who is dead, I would like to meet Albert Einstein because I would like to be a scientist when I grow up. I would ask him if he was ever hurt doing an experiment.

  37. If I got to meet one famous person it would be J.S. Bach. I would want to meet him because he wrote famous music. One question that I would ask him is How does it feel to be deaf?

  38. If I could meet anyone that has past away that is famous it would be Abraham Lincoln. Because when I grow up I want to be a President. I would ask him did you like being President.

  39. If I could meet anyone who past away it would be Michael Jackson. Becase he was the king of pop! I would ask him how fun it was to travel the world.

  40. I would like to meat Elvis becase he was a really good singer.My questiton to ask him is what was his faverite song to sing?

  41. If i could meet a person that is not alive right now it would have to be Michael Jackson. Because he is also the king of pop!And almost every one loves his great exiting music that he does.

  42. If I could meet anyone that passed away,I would meet the hall of famer's BRET HART'S father and ask him how he feels about his son,niece,and his two grandchildern about all of them being wrestlers?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!

  43. I would like meat Micheal Jackson because i like his songs and he's a really good singer!!!!!

  44. If I could meet anyone it would be Helen Keller's teacher. Helen Keller was blind and she was deaf AND she was college educated. I would ask her teacher how she persevered to teach Helen even when it seemed impossible for her to learn. I would also want to know how it felt when Helen first understood the word, "water."

  45. If i could meet a person that is not alive right now it would have to be Michael Jackson. Because he is also the king of pop!And almost every one loves his great exiting music that he does.And my question to ask him would have to be why what perswaded you to become the king of pop and one of the best singers of all time.

  46. i would like to meet anyone from would war 2, i would ask them how they felt when they where fighting and how long it took to compleat the war.

  47. If I could meet any body that pass away it would be Abraham Lincoln. I would ask him what else happened in your life time that books do not tell me? I would also ask what did he have to do when he freed the slaves? Like did he have to do a speech or did he need to do something else to free all the slaves?

  48. If I could meet a dead person it would be Michael Jackson because first of all he does is rise the roof when he's in a party.Me and My mom love Michael Jackson but,my dad likes one other person and my sister loves Katey Pary (California girls and You Change your mind.)The question I would ask him is "Can I get tickits to your consert?"

  49. If I could meat any one it would have to be Helen Keller because I want to learn more about her pranks so that I could teach her some how to not lock any one in a room. I would teach her how to be nice some how.

  50. If I could meet it would have to be Mical Vick because he can tech me to throw about 50 yards.And it whiled be AWESOME too meet mical vick.

  51. I would like to meet Georg Washingtin because he was the first presadent of the united states. I would ask him is heard being presadent.

  52. If I could meet someone who has died it would be........Dr. Martino Luther King Jr.. I would ask him... What was it like when you were a little kid????? I would also ask him how many times did you go out side & play? I would ask him that because there were lots of fites back then were he lived,it was way back back back back then

  53. If I could meet someone I would want to meet Laura Inngles Wilder because I went to her house and I really want to learn more about her. I would ask her how she lived in a small house that she lived in when she was born. I would ask how it was like to take care of her blind sister Mary! That is who I really want to meet.

  54. If I could meet someone it would be Helen Keller because she was blind, deaf, and went to college. I would ask her did you think that sins you were blind and deaf that you could go to college?

  55. If I could meet a dead but famines person I would chose st. Nick because I would like to know how he eared the money he gave to the 3 teennagers that couldn't afod money for collage?

  56. If I could ask anyone thats famos but dead it would be Lee Harvey Oswald. I want to know if he realy shot JFK and if he diden't who did.

  57. If I could meet someone dead,it would be Micheal Jackson because he was the King Of Pop and I want to know if he invented pop or he sang pop really well that then he was The King Of Pop.

  58. If I could meet someone dead,it would be Gorge Washington because he was the first president of the untied state. I would ask him how hard it would be being the president.

  59. I would like to meat Coco Chanel because my class is learning about her and her life. I would ask if in the ofnge could look out a window and see something that had color?

  60. I would like to meet Martin Louther King he saved my life. He is my hero I wouder if he was a presher ? He is a posnin how hlep me and he deid for me he is my hero.

  61. I would like to meet to Troy Polamalu A football player on the Steelers. I would ask him how long did it take him to get on the Steelers and do you enjoy when your football team wins the Superbowl.

  62. If I could meet a person it would be tom Brady I would ask him to teach me how to throw at least 80 yards patriots are my favorite team. I have a Brady jersy,another jersy and a hat, a towl and I think I'm getting more for christmas.

  63. If I could meet someone it would have to be Shaun Jackson. I would ask him how many touch downs he made. I would ask him if he would teach me to throw the big foot balls far so I can be a better thrower.

  64. If I could meet anyone it would be Micheal Jackson because he was a pop star and his music was really good. He was like the pop star of all time.

  65. If I can meet any polsun it willed be badd ruth because he can tech me too hit a lot of LONG -LONG LONG home runs because he has did it in his ceriier.

  66. I wade meet chsis joshiner and said to him how do you jook peolp and spin and run faster and cech better so when I am owter I can play football in the nfl and git to be a good player and coch too and be a 99 and hall of fame and theyts ware all the good football player.

  67. I want to meat the President U.T.S of America because some day I would want to be the President of U.T.S of America and I'd like to now how to become the President of U.T.S of America.

  68. If I could meet any person that is no longer alive it would have to be Micheal Jackson. Because he is a very good singer, and I like his song named "Thriller".

  69. I would like to meet the Beatles becaus they rock i would like to meet them but 2 are died but i like them!

  70. I would want to met Marten Luther king because I have heard so much good things like when was saying that it doesn't madder if you are different you should still be treated the same way.

  71. I would want to met Marten Luther king because I have heard so much good things like when was saying that it doesn't madder if you are different you should still be treated the same way.

  72. if i could meet any dead person,i would meet ANDRE THE GIANT cause he was 7 feet tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  73. i would like to meet Georg Washingtin.Because he was the frist President of the U.S.A

  74. if i could meet any dead person i would choose micheal jackson and see what the firt song he wrote was and why he likes music cause ive always wanted to assk a singer that

  75. I would meet Squanto because i want to learn about their culture and how they farmed.

  76. or i would meet george washington cause he was a president

  77. I would lik to meet ACDC back in blak so I could go to every consert with them.

  78. l would like to meet aberham linckion becuase he was the fith teenth president

  79. If i could meet any dead porson it would be my grammy because she died of cancer before i was bor n and i hear alot about her and she sounds like a nice porson.I think we would realy like each other and get along very well.So that`s who i would like to meet.

  80. If I would meet any football players it would be ray lewis and ray rice from the Ravens ps steelers sick so bad

  81. Winston (ys) PICKLES!November 23, 2010 at 10:26 AM

    Andre the Giant , a wwf wrestler, i would ask him how he died

  82. If I can meet Macho Man Randy Sauage a wwf wrestler I wouLd ask him how he died.
