Sunday, November 28, 2010

He Can't Live With Me!
We all have our favorite house pets. But what would be one of your favorite animals that could not live in your house? List three reasons why you like this animal.

Example: My favorite animal that could not live in my house is the elephant. Three reasons why I like elephants are the color of their skin, their big ears, and their fears. An elephant's skin color is gray and gray is one of my favorite colors. Elephants have big ears, which means they are super listeners like I am. I like  how elephants are afraid of mice because it means that no matter how big you are everybody has a fear.

Thanks to Dylan L. for the prompt suggestion this week.


  1. My favorite animal that can't live in my house is a tiger. It is my favorite outdoor animal because it has an awesome striped pattern and they are very rare. Another reason is that tigers live in India and I want to go to India. Thats why a tiger is my favorite outdoor animal.

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  3. My favorite animal that can't live with me is a jagwar. I wont a jagwar because they are so cuite,they will be fun to chran and they miht be fun to play with

  4. I would like a baby tiger because while it's a baby I can train it and when it gets older it will know how to do things.

  5. If I can have a animal that can't fit in my house it will be a monkey because my mom calls me a monkey because of my toes that grasp different things like socks.I would also want a monkey so when there is a mess,she will clean up the mess.The last reason would be if I was sick the monkey will make me laugh.

  6. If I had a pet it would be a Cheata because it is the fastest pat and likes to mounver like me. It is athletic to and I am athletic. It is wild to just like me. But it is not my favorite pet.

  7. If I could have a animal that can't live with me it would be a baby Cheata. Because I like the fact that they run super fast. I also like that they are really cute. I also like all the spots on the Cheata body.

  8. I would like to have horses as pets because they are friendly(most of the time)and there personalizes are so funny and that I think boy paints( they are my foavit kind)because I read a girl paint named Bella and she did not work good for me. I have a horse that I share with my bother Robert her name is Misty she is all brown also my grandpa has two horses too there names are Cheef,and FORSTY also one past away Mager he was my mom's on till my grandpa bought and many more as time passes.

  9. The animal I would like is a.....PANDA! Because I like black and white and there so cut! I really wish that I could like to have one for a brother! THREE WAYS IT'S Allowed IN MY HOUSE.....
    1. They like salad
    2. They are rare
    3. I see at home but,not at school

  10. My favorite animal is a tiger it can not live in my house. I like it because of its pattern black and orange.
    1. They like meat
    2. They are very rare
    3. They India
    4. you do not see them alot

  11. If I could have any pet that can't live with me it would be a Monkey because they like to run around and play and I like to run around and play.

  12. My faiverit anitil that can not live with me is a cat because my mom doszi't like cat but I do because they are fuzzy and they are SOSO little that is why I like thim.

  13. My favorite animal is a Giraffe it can not live in my house. I like it because it is tall & cool.I like it because it has spots & is my favorite colors they are yellow & brown. I also have seen a giraffe.I love Giraffes.

  14. If I could have a pet that can't be in my house it would be a...snow owl. The reasons I wont a snow owl are that snow owls are cutie,they can get anything for you if you are lazy like in Harry Potter!! The next reason is because they can blend in with white things & fly out at people and scare them!!! I also think they are cool because they are nocturnal. That means they sleep in the day and are awake in the night!!! I would like an snow owl that is not nocturnal because the can play with me in the day time and not at night because I would need to be nocturnal!! I would not like to live were the snow owls live because they live in cold weather with snow all the time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. My favorite animal can go to my house is baby sheep because you can give food to him and they can play weed him

  16. I would like a monkey in my house because I think monkeys are funny, they make messes and I like the color of the monkey. The monkey is funny to have because of it's screams they sound funny. I like how the monkey makes messes like me because everyone in life makes a mess. I also like the color of the monkey because the color of the monkey reminds me of chocolate if the monkey is chocolate brown. That is the animal I would like in my house.

  17. My favorite animal that could not live in my house is the seal.Here is 3 reasons why I want the seal in my house
    1.I sometimes talk like a seal.
    2.I like fish just like seals.
    3.I love the water like seals.
    4.I am a swimmer just like seals.
    5.The seals are cutie and beautiful

  18. I would like a Jagwar to live with me. here are 3 reasons why.
    . mabey they will be fun to play with
    . mabey they will be fun to triane
    . Jagwars are so cute

  19. If I could have a animal that can't live with me it would be a baby cheata because the run faster then lightning. I also like the spots that are spread all over the wild animal's body. The thing I lke about the baby cheata the most is how cute they are.On a scale 1-10 on it's cuteness I would give it a ten.

  20. If I could have a pet that can't be in my house would be a lizzerd. I pick a lizzerd because I think they are cool and I always wanted one. I think they would be a good pet because I think they would be cool to hold and you could train them to do stuff like pickup things and you could train them to roll over and come to you.

  21. I would have a peacock because I like it's it has different color it is a beautiful wings.bird they are getting there not much left that is bad that they are killing them that is sad because I like them that is why I like them .

  22. If I could have a animal that can't live with me it would defentlel be a Jaguar. I would be a Jaguar because they are fast. They are sneeky. They are cute. Mabey they will be fun to play with and fun to trian.

  23. An animal that I would like but denfanitly could NOT live in my house (well it could but my mom would freak out)is a horse!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! horsee.

  24. I want an eagle to be my pet because i like birds. I also want 1 because eagles are big birds and they are pretty. I WANT AN EAGLE!!!!!
    and my schools mascot is an eagle.

  25. if i could have a animal that can`t live with me it would be a peguin 1.reason it can not live with me because they need lots of eats mom and dad would YELL at me if i brought home a cute little peguin.

  26. i want a bear in my famly but i can,t .GIVE ME A BEAR NOW.p.s nom nom nom nom nom nom

  27. ld have a dolphin in a pool out side. i would have this animal for a pet because i iove is animal and i know evrything about it too.

  28. If I had a animal that could not live with me it would be a lion because they eat my sister if they are anoying me.

  29. if I could have any pet it would be a baby panda because pandas are cute and they are easey to train and my last reason is that they are almost extinct. I would try to help my pandas family and all the other pandas.

  30. I would have a monkey because they like bananas and I like them to.They like to climb and I like to climb.And they are cool.

  31. If I could have a animal that can't live with it would be racoon.1.they are not pickey with what they eat ethier am I.2.They are more active at night I am to.3.They are very soft so it could be my pillow.

  32. Well for my animal i would need an ocean in my house because i would like a killer whale. i think these animals are amazing! i like the color of there skin. They look beautiful. I'm going to do a report on killer whales.

  33. My favorite animal is a horse
    1.Ilove to go horse back riding.
    2.horses are fun to play with them. tersher is horses

  34. I want To hav a horsee.

  35. I would also like a humpback whale because they arevery big , interesting and they would be fun to swim with. I would keep her in a super big super deep pool that I will eventully install.

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  37. I would want a giraffe even though it can't live with me!3 reasons I like giraffes are because 1 they are tall and i am short,2 I love their little horn thingy's on top on their heads,and 3 I like how the baby giraffe stays close to the mama giraffe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. i would be a monkey because i love to climb and they climb and they are very coooooooooooool.

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  42. LAUREN SAID:I would have a White Tiger because they are veryveryveryveryveryveryvery RARE!!!!!!!Also because they have blue eyes.

  43. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 2, 2010 at 9:37 AM

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  44. i really want a giraffe but it won't fit in my house beacuaes it is too big

  45. If I could have a animal that cant live with would be a Turkey Volgher .1. reason is my dad would shoot it .2.reason is it would fly though the house.3.reason it would try to attack us.

  46. If i could have a animal that can not live with me it would be a baby peguenin because 1 they are cute .2 I do not like fish and I can feed it my fish.3 I would be keep it safe from bad things.4But I can not keep one because it is not its habiat.And it would die. by heaven boughan.

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  49. i would like a white tiger
    cause...their very cute and big.
    and fluffy.

  50. LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE..............................................tigers!!!!ROARRRRRRRR!!!!!

  51. My favorite animal is a panda bear.Here are some reasons why I want a panda bear to live with me.
    1.I love them so much.
    2.They are nice animals.
    3.They are black and white.
    They are my 3 reasons why i want a panda bear to live with me.

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  54. what I want is a tiggers because thay are so cute and I like the colers. my sister likes tiggers too. I have some books of tiggers. thay are my favorate animals.

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  59. If I could have pet it would be a....... PANDA!!!

    Here are 4 ways that I want a Panda
    1. I think that pandas are cute.
    2. I think that pandas are cuddly.
    3. I think that pandas are soft enough that I could sleep with my panda.
    4. Pandas have two of my favorite colors for there fur. (Black & White)
    And that is why I want a panda!!

  60. My favorite animal that couldn't live in my house is a horse. Three resons I love them is because they are fast, they're bueatyful creatures, and they're elegent to watch. I like race horses, thats 1. they're bueatyful the way they look, thats 2. But when the canter they look they're flying in mid air, thats 3.

  61. I like cheetahs because they run fast and they catch deer. I also like there fur.

  62. I like bears. I would like to have a bear as a pet. I think they are awesome animals.

  63. The animal I REALLY want to live in my house is a monkey. I want a monkey because it would be AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

  64. Monkeys are my favorite animals and they can not live with me. its a real bummer but it is what it is!
