Sunday, December 5, 2010

Super Powers

If you could have one super power, what would it be and what good would you do with it?

Example: If I could have one super power I would zap food out of thin air. I would use that power to help feed all who are poor and hungry. 

Thanks to Gabi S. and Nick M. for the idea for this week's post.


  1. I would have the power to shoot pickles out of my hand so everyone can taste the delciousness of pickles

  2. If I could have one supper power it would be supper strath because I could jump in the sky to save a faling person from hiting the hard groud.

  3. I would have the power to leet the hole wide world ride horses I would do this because I think everyone needs a little bit of hard work and exersize!

  4. If I have my super powers are hit a home run in my baseball game and my other is that I can won wit my brother fighting and won and run that fast that lighting.

  5. If I could have one supper power it would be flying because if someone got stuck or some thing like that so I could fly there really fast and help them.

  6. If I could had one super would be to run as fast as lighting. I would never be tardy for school and I could type this blog faster.

  7. My power would be the power to read manes. So if some do a bad thing so I now wrere they are going nest.

  8. If I had a super power it would be to make me everywhere at once. So then I could be at school and at home playing my video games. That's what super power I would have.

  9. If I had a super power it would be to be able to read people minds. I would use that to help the poor or needed. (I would not use the power to cheat on test)

  10. If I can have one pawer it would be one when I can be filbil for football and basball the rezin for football is if I hafto dive for the persn I can rech him and for basball if I hafto slide I can rech the bas.

  11. If I HAD SUPER powers it would be healing because I could heal my self and people. I could live for ever! and my favorite super hero has healing powers his name is Rover Rien.

  12. If I could have one super power it would be to have super srength.Because I could use that srenght to help people from getting hurt from bad people.

  13. If I could have any super power it would be telaporting because then I can rob a bank like a piece of cake. Another use would be in the swimming pool when I dive in I will be at the other end of the pool before you can say swim team.

  14. I would love to have flying power and have all different kinds of buttons on it like faster, slower and higher flying buttons. I would use it for if something really needed to be rescued. I would not want any other super power because I think that is the best super power!!!

  15. If I was a super doper human my powers would be...FLYING powers. I won't FLYING powers because if I was lazy I could just jump-up,up,up,and away but I would hit my head on the sealing and it would hurt!!!! So I would put buttons on it so I could fly faster,fast,faster,and faster then slower,slower,and slower!!!!!!

  16. If I could have any super power it would have to be feeding the hungry and the poor people in this world. I would ask then what they wanted to eat and they make it in 10 seconeds flat.

  17. If I could have a super power it would be shape shifting. I would have that power because if you can be anything or be every one you can do anything. I would use that power to help people that are in trouble. For example if some one was falling off a cliff I could shape shift into some one that can fly and save the person falling off the cliff

  18. If I could have any super power it would have to be feeding the hungry and the poor people in this world. I would ask then what they wanted to eat and they make it in 3 seconds flat.

  19. If I could have a super power it would be telaporting because I could telaport to a football game without paying and basketball without paying

  20. If I can have a super power it would be to shoot spaghetti out of my arm because if I saw a person falling and I can't make it over there in time I would shoot it and it will be a landing mat.

  21. If I had a supper power it would be fire. I would want fire because I could light fire's and I could light tiki torches. I can also shoot fire out of my hand's.

  22. I would like too fly . Because I don't like to drive in a car because it take's a long time too get somewhere.

  23. If I could have a super power I would be able to turn things into blankits and food for poor people in a blink of an eye

  24. If I could have one super power I would make candy and fruits fall from the sky.So we can eat junk food and health food.I like junk food.

  25. If had super powers I would save the world from ending cause I don't whant it to.

  26. if I had a super power I would be able to snap my fingers and my room would be clean. I would help kids clean there room.I would love it

  27. If I had super powers it would be to fly. I would like to fly with the birds.I would be really fast!

  28. If I could have one super power I would make toys fall everywhere,so that the kids in the world could have toys to play with all the time. Even the poor could have toys.

  29. My super power would be super human senses. I would help people and promise to never give up. I like this super power because I can see like no one else.

  30. If I could have one super power I would want to be a shape shifter. I want to be a shape shifter because I could talk to animals. I also could be very fast with some animals. Last I would be able to pertect people if a animale trys to atack them.

  31. If I had super powers I would make things that you want fall out of the sky.So I can also help the poor haves a coat,a sweater,or anything thay want.I could make a house pop righ were you want it.I could also make poor animals that don't have a home haves one.I could help anything.

  32. If I had super powers I would make money pop out of the sky.I would do that so the poor could buy houses. and last I would bring world peace.

  33. If I had super power I would get the bad guys off the street. And put them in jall so I can save people if they are being robbed or braking the lawe or not stopingat stop lieghts.

  34. If I could have one super power it would be super speed.I would use it to help my parents to run errands. I would also be able to help people quickly even if they are far away. Plus I would be the fastest runner around.

  35. if i had a super power it would be to snap my fingers and then every body will have food

  36. If I had a super power I would like to fly because I would help the earth by not using a car. I would help people if their car brakes down I would take them where they want to go. I would take people to school or something if they miss the bus.

  37. If I had a super power I would have super strength. I would have that power because I could lift heavy things and give it to the people that wanted that thing. I would also lift old cars so people don't half to use a mechine to get the old cars into the junk yard.

  38. If I had a power I would snap my fingers and it would take care of animals.And everybody would not have to take care of them.

  39. If I had a super power I would be abe to clean my bedroom and house really fast.When I go to my friends houses I can clean their houses except the things they are useing.

  40. If I had one super power it would be mind reading. I would choose mind reading so I could know what people are thinking. The good I would use it for is to let the world know if there is bad people are what they are thinking.

  41. If I had a super power it would be able to zap myself into TV shows. The TV show would be Sponge Bob Squarepants. The character I would be is Sandy.

  42. If I had super powers I would be able to fly.So then I can rescue people.

  43. If I could have a super power it would be super strength. I would use this power to help the people in need and carry a bunch of food and bring the food to them. I would get the food from Giant.

  44. If I could have one super power I would like to be a human wall. This power would let me jump in front of something bad that is going to happen and stop it. Like if a dog was going to attack a baby.

  45. If I had super powers, I would choose to have super strength. That way, I could fix broken things cheaply. I could also help prevent accidents from happening.

  46. If I had super powers it will be super house. so I can give homeless peple houses.

  47. If I had one super power it would be to freeze things. So I would freeze the bad guys so they can not rob any one.

  48. If I could have a super power it would be to shoot lava .I would use this power to help pepoel unfreez things.

  49. If I could have any super power I would like to have super speed. I would use it to run to Florida in less than 1 minute.

  50. if i had super power i would help people and be fast so no one would no its me at all

  51. if i had a super power i would turn into Bruce Lee. he's invincable.HE CAN EVEN DR=ESTROY CHUCK NPRRIS AND KIRBY!!!!!!!

  52. if i would have a super power i would breath under water because i LOVE to swim and et wet so this super power is good for me.

  53. OOPS I Made typos its CHUCK NORRIS and DESTROY are the typos

  54. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 13, 2010 at 9:23 AM

    IF I had a super power it would be 2 destroy all schools and make all people who actually like
    school SUFFER!!!!!!

  55. If i had super powers i would want to be able to fly, turn invisable, and run super fast. i love to be in the air, i love to be invisable so nobody can see me, and i love the wind in my face. i would name my self Invisable because i can turn invisable, i can fly super fast and i can run super fast.

  56. If i had a superpower it would be to transport molicules so i would not have to have anyone drive me some where.

  57. if ihad a paler i would destro evreoan

  58. I would have INVISABLEITY because it also comes with force-feild. 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222POWERS222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Ummmmmmmmmm i think you mean invinceability and force field

  59. I would have the power to see thingsright before they happen tso i can avoid them or save someone from some thing which makes me untouchable

  60. If I could have any super power I would have super speed. It would help people transport stuff quickly.

  61. If I could have a super power I would have the power to see things right before they happen so nobody can hurt me.

  62. If i could have a super power it would be healing power so i can heal people and pets that are hurt!

    Also I can heal myself if i ever die.


  64. If I coutd have one super power it would be to control the wind. So I could deffend people.

  65. If i could have 1 super power it would be to fly so i could get places faster

  66. If I could have 1 superpower it would be to turn invisible whenever I want! I would be great at Hide & Go Seek.

  67. If I could have one superpower it would be invisibility so that I could scare my little brother,Gaetano.

  68. If I picked one superpower it will be x-ray vision because it will be cool to look through walls. And look through a person.

  69. If I could pick one superpower it will be the ability to run at the speed of 9,000 mp. And jump 8,796 ft.

    1. Why would you want to run at the speed of 9,000 mp and jump 8,796 ft. *_* *-* *_*

  70. If had super power i would shoot pizza out of my hands so that people that never taste the amazing taste of PIZZA mmm yum that just makes me wanna eat pizza.
