Saturday, December 11, 2010

Fun In The Snow!

The cold weather is upon us and this past week we even had a little snow. Even if winter isn't your favorite time of year, there has to be something you like to do outside. This week, let's look at some of the things people like to do outside in the cold weather.

One of my favorite winter things is to get all bundled up in a warm coat and walk my dog in the snow. He loves to run through it, putting his head down in and coming up all covered with the white, fluffy snow. I think he likes to do it because it makes me laugh! Since we had so many snowstorms last year, he had plenty of chances to play outside. That is Heath, my best dog friend, in the picture above.


  1. I love the snow because in the back yard there is a big hill and my mom,dad, brother Cole go sledding.

  2. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 13, 2010 at 9:20 AM

    I like 2 play in the snow YAAAA SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (and I like 2 sled and stuff)YAAAAAAA SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i love snow because it is fun to play and make snowman or have a snow play fight

  4. I love snow Because i go up to my nan's and go snowboarding and sledding and we have 4 of my cousins come and i sledd all day and even a little at night thats why i like when it snows.

  5. i love to play inthe snow and hit my sisters with snow balls.

  6. i love the snoqw because it is the only time i can throw a ball at my nethew and because it is a time to spend time with your family not about the presents but still I WANT A WII NOW!!! merry christmas to all to all a good night BE GOOD KIDS!!! byee now!!!

  7. I like to make a trench in the snow.My broter and I play arrmy in the army in the snow.Then we have hot choclate.

  8. I love the snow because I can drench my
    brother with snow balls and push him and.

  9. i love the snow because you get to make snow angels but it does not work for me because when i stand up i step on it and then i have too make another one and the same stuff happan again then i get tired and then i give up.

  10. I love the snow because my dog and I go into tunnels I build.We build snowmen and Knock them down.That is my favorite part of winter.

  11. I like sled and ramp people .

  12. in my other commet it is supost to say snow not snoqw!!!!!ok?

  13. YAAAAA!!!!!!!!! SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. By Heaven i love to make forts and snow balls 1 last thing GEt DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I love the snow because I can push my sister in the snow and I can play with my dogs

  16. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 13, 2010 at 9:27 AM

    Katana, your only soposed 2 write ONE comment!!!!

  17. The weather out side is cold but it is still fun to play in the snow. I like to sled. my sled gos raelly fast and some times I flip over and fall on my butt and it herts.

  18. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 13, 2010 at 9:28 AM

    pushing people is mean Joey!!!!!!!!!!1

  19. SIENNA :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 13, 2010 at 9:30 AM

    1 of my favorite things to do in the winter is go sledding with my dog ,Braxxten and Bella!!! All my dogs do is pee in the snow anyway!It's so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  20. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!December 13, 2010 at 9:30 AM

    Jasmine, you spelled goes wrong!!!!

  21. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)December 13, 2010 at 9:32 AM

    Sienna!!!!! you copyer!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. one of
    my favorite things to do in the winter is to
    go outside and jump off the trampoline into
    snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i llllllllllove painting my nails!{pink}

  23. What I like to do in the snow is have snowball fights and eat the snow why? It is fun to play in the snow and then I like turkey feast and eat all kinds of food

  24. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is play with my friends in the snow.We throw snowballs at eachother.It is also fun to build tunnels.And that is my favorite thing to do in the winter.

  25. My favorite thing to do is to jump in the snow. This is my favorite thing to do cause.I like to jump in the snow.

  26. What I like to do in the snow is bild iglows and my dog always lovesto put his paw
    on the iglow and gos inside the iglow

  27. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is to take my dog out because he hops like a dear.He does it because he's trying to get through it.It's really funny watching him.

  28. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is to take my dogs out and watch them dig tunnles in the snow. But then they get lost because there both white.So I follow there foot prints till I find both of them laying in the snow.

  29. My favorite thing to do in the winter is go sledding with my brother and dad. I like sleddind because it is fun. I have a hill in my back yard.

  30. One of my favorite things to do in the winter is to build three igloos. One for each sibling and have snowball fights. But it's more like a war. I think it's so fun to play with my brother and sister out in the snow.

  31. My favorite thing to do in the winter is going snowbraording. I go snowbaording with my family.I think snowbaording is a lot more fun then skiing.

  32. My favorite thing to do in the winter is snowboarding. I like to snowboard with my friends and cousins. I like snowboarding beacase it's in the X games and I like the X games alot.

  33. My favorite thing to do in the winter time is to sit on the couch dirnking hot coco.I like to sit on the couch with my mom,dad, and brother.I like siting on the couch because i'm nice and warm!

  34. My favorite thing to do is go outside in the snow. I like to do this because it makes me feel exited. all thou I wish snow was warm.

  35. I love donky stew its good for ya people out there in world

  36. When I go outside and have fun in the snow I like to build a snowman. I also like to throw balls at my sisters Kennedy and Jalin. Another thing I like to do outside in the snow is play with my dog, because he likes to play in the snow. One last thing that I like to do out in the snow is build snow forts with my dad.

  37. My favorite thing to do in the winter time is to go sledding. I like to go sledding at my grammie and papals house. I like to go sledding because my grammie and papal have steep hills.

  38. I love to play in the snow it is so fun becaues I get to throw snow ball,s at my three sisters that are so so so so so so weird and not very cool PS. peacs cool gys out there.

  39. I like to go sleding in the winter time. I like to go sleding because I have a realy big hill at my abode. I go sleding with my frends. We make a track and we stay sleding on it for a long time.

  40. One of my favorite winter things is to do a snow ball fight around my house.I play a snow ball fight with my friends. Once my friend got hit by the snow ball that covered most of his body.

  41. My favorite thing to do in the winter is to sneak up on my msneak up on my mom and throw it snowballs at my mom.I like to sneak up on my mom and throw snowballs at my mom becase it is funny when I throw it my mom says what happened.The fist thing I have to do is to make the smowball a medium size.Next I have to wait when my mom is not looking.Then i have to throw the snowball at my mom.Then my mom trys to ceach me and I like when my mom trys to ceach me.

  42. My favorite thing to do in the winter is play with my friends. We have snow ball fights, and build big snow man. We have alot of fun doing this stuff together. And that is what I do in the winter.

  43. My favorite thing to do outside is go sledding.I like to go sledding because it's fun going down the cold snow having wind blow thew my hair.

  44. My favorite thing to do in the winter is to have snowball battles with my dad and sisters. I also like to go sled riding. I really like drinking hot chocolate on cold winter days.

  45. My favorite thing to do outside in the winter is build a fort out of snow and have snow ball fights with my sister and friends. I also like to build a short snowman with only two balls of snow instead of three. But going in the house for hot chocolate with marshmallows is the best.

  46. my favorite thing to do in the snow is to go sledding.

  47. I like to go in the snow and build a fort with my brother.When the wind comes we go inside are fort. My brother can make his really wide.

  48. I love snowball fights it is like a war. I love it because you don't get hurt that much.And I like to go over big hills in my yard.I like the immense hills because they tickle you. After that I like to go inside and drink hot coco and go back outside again an go down the immense hills over and over again.That is why I love snow.

  49. I love to drink coco and watch my sister make a snowball.And then I go outside to go sledding.That is why I love snow.

  50. I love to have snow ball fits so I can hit my friends with a cold that is not a warm snow ball and my dog always loves to go inside the houes and chrie to pull me out so I can play in the snow with him.

  51. I like building snow men. I build a immense snow man. I love snow men

  52. I love to have snow ball fits.becaues I get to throw a snow ball at theme.And I also like to play in the snow with my pet dog Jack.

  53. I like to play in the snow because I like making snow forts and the best part is going inside and sitting by the fire with a glass of hot chocolate!!!!

  54. When I play in the snow I like to build snowmen Because they have hats to put on coal to make the face & a carrot for the nose. I also like to build igloos because I can go inside of it. It is amazing what you can do in the snow.

  55. My favorite thing to do in the snow is playing with my brother, sister, Mom and Dad. My brother, sister, Mom, Dad and I like to have snowball fight's and we like to sled and snowboard, make inglo's. My favorite thing to do is sled and snowboard. I like to do these things because they are fun andit is a sport and I always was into sports.

  56. I like to play in the snow with my brothers. We make snowmen and have snowball fight. I love to go to my backyard and slide down my big hills in my yard. When I am done I like to sit down in my living room and drink hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies. That what I like to do when it snows and I do like shoveling my drive way.

  57. I like to play in the snow because I like to push the snow piles on to the driveway so my dad and mom stay outside longer and I get to stay outside longer. My mom sets a time limit I get to stay outside 1 hour and my brother gets stay outside 50 min. because I don't get could feet as fast as he dose so I can play out there a lot more of time. I have 10 more minuets then my brother and I take longer to get my boots through the snow. That is why I love the winter time.

  58. I like the winter because I can chuck snowballs at my sister when she is playing with her barbie dolls in the snow. My dad dad and i have a big snowball fight in are back yard and when we go back in the house I drink HOT Coco then,I go back out side and make an army of snow men. And that's what I like to do in the winter!

  59. One thing I like to do when it snows is I like to make a path in my snow because my sister chases me around,make ice ice cream, have a snow ball fight,make ice snow balls that you eat,and go sledding in to the woods and get hit by snow balls. Also I like to play throw snow balls at my dog Marley.

  60. I like to have snowball fights with my brothers and friends and I like to make snow man like last year I made a snow man and put it in the front yard.

  61. When it snows I like to play in the snow because its fun to build snowman,snow women an to make a snow angel then make a fort with my friend that's how I play in the snow.

  62. One of my favorite thing to do in the snow is get hot coco after in play in the snow. I LOVE that because my mom always gives me a lot of marshmallows and the are always big.Hot chocolate is always hot and I usually don't like stuff hot but this I LOVE!!!!!

  63. I would like to do in the sonw have a snowball fight with my siser because I what to win because I don't whant to do the laundry I can kick back and ralaed .

  64. Ever since I broke my ankle sledding, I try to stay away from the snow. But I love to see it laying on the trees and yards. It's fun to walk in the snow and enjoy the beautiful scenery.

  65. I like to glide across the snow on my cross country skis. My dog likes to run ahead of me as if we were racing. He always wins, even when I am going fast downhill.

  66. I like to sled and have snow ball fight and builde a snow man and a foter and jump in snow.

  67. I like to get my snow Bord and serf across the snow it is my best thing to do in the winter.

  68. i got pushed down a hill

  69. in a really big pile of snow

  70. In a really big pile of snow of course! It's chilly out side it's even going to snow in October how odd also bundle up even a pet . P$. Only if you have one!!!

  71. i like when my dogs jump around in the snow and play with eachother. My dogs names are Reese and Jake. Jake is a boy Reese is a girl. I also like to snow board and sled
