Sunday, January 23, 2011

Measure Your Feet

Believe it or not, January 23 is Measure Your Feet Day. I have no idea who originated this day but it sounds like a fun measuring activity for this week so grab a ruler and measure your feet. Measure the length (at the longest part) and width (at the widest part). After you do that, see if you can find something in your house or school that is the about same length as your foot!

Here is my example:

My foot is 8.5 inches long and 3 inches wide. I found that regular paper is 8.5 inches wide, the same as the length of my foot. I have a small clock that is almost 3 inches wide.


  1. I chose to measure my foot with my shoe on. My foot (with shoe) is about 9 1/4 inches long. That is much longer than I anticipated it would be. This means that my shoe is larger than the lid of my computer, which is 8 1/2 inches wide. My foot is 3 3/4 inches wide. That means my foot is almost three times as long as it is wide. I think some of my students will have even longer feet than I do if they measure their foot with their shoes on.

  2. I chose to measure my foot with my shoe on. My foot (with my shoe on) was about 9 1/2in long. It was longer than I thought it would be! It was about the same size of a book called "for boys only" this book is just about 9 1/2in long and my foot is about 9 1/2in just like the book! Some other books are longer and shorter than my foot was like 10in and 9in

  3. My foot is 10 inch long as long as a book the book is 9 inch long. My foot is 3 inch long that is as long as a Camry. I bet that a baby foot is 4 to 3 inch wide and 3 to 2 inch long.

  4. My one(right) foot with out my shoe on is 8 1/4 inches that is more than I thought that is about the size of a medium flamingo.My with is 3inches(right) my left foot is about 8 1/4 that is about the size of the granny came laptop. the with of my left foot is 3 that is about the size of the on my necklaces 3 times.that is more than I thought that it would be.

  5. I measure and was 9inches long and.I measure my computer and was 12inches long.

  6. My foot is left foot is 8 in. long. And my right foot is 7 3\4 in. That is 1\4 diffident. My pencil is about the same side of my feet long. My left foot is 2 3\4 wide. And my right foot is 3 in. Mrs Tabitha tag is about the same side as the width of my feet.

  7. My foot (with my shoe on) is exectle 8 inches long not even a millameter longer. My foot is as long as my computer. The with of my foot is 3 and a qurter wide. A wheel of a smart board is almost as wide as my foot.

  8. My foot is 6 1/2 inches long and 2 1/2 inches wide. My righting journal is about as long as my foot.My teachers stop watch is about as wide as my foot.
    6 1/2 inches is smaller then I thought my foot would be. 2 1/2 inches is smaller then thought my foot would be going side to side.

  9. I chose to measure my foot with my shoe off. My foot (with my shoe off)is about 8 inches long. That is much longer than I thought it would be. This means that my foot is the same size as my writing journal. The width of my foot is 3 1/2 inches wide. That means Mrs.Tabitha's hall pass is the same width as my foot (with my shoe off.)

  10. My foot with the shoe on it is 9 1/2 inches long. That is bigger than 22 sentameatersn I wonder if there are other things that my foot is bigger than. But my foot will never be as big as my dads.

  11. I am choosing to measure with my shoe off and on. My foot with out the shoe is 8 inches. My foot with the shoe on is about 9 inches. I notice that the shoe is about 1 inch longer then my real foot, I all so notice that my shoe is as long as Mrs. Musone's book shelf ( One shelf). My real foot is as long as Mrs. Musone's computer holder. My foot's with is 4 inches wide and that is as long as two tissue box's on top of each other. All of the items are from Mrs. Musone's classroom.

  12. I choose to measure with my shoe on and that was about 9 inches. I have been looking around the class room a lot and finally found that a book called "For boys only." That book was only 1/2 a inch bigger than my foot.When I measured the wideness of my foot it was 3 inches. I measured a eraser and it was 2 inches wide.

  13. I chose to measure both of my feet with no shoes on. My left foot is 8 1/2 inches long. My right foot is 9 inches long. My right foot is 3 inches wide and so is my left foot. The lid of the computer that I am using is 8 1/2 inches long and my left foot is 8 1/2 inches long. My shoe is about 9 inches long. My right foot is 9 inches long like my shoe is.

  14. My foot (with my shoe off)is 7 1/2 inches long. I figured out that a book in my classroom is about as long as my foot. It is 8 inches long. My foot(with my shoe off) is also 2 1/2 inches wide I figured out that a skinny piece of paper from my writing journal is almost the same size as my foot. It is 3 inches wide. That is how wide and tall my feet are!

  15. I chose to measure my left foot without my shoe on. My foot (without shoe) is about 8 inches long. That is the same amount as I had anticipated. That means that my left foot is larger then my writing journal. It is 8 1/4.

    The width of my left foot is about 3 inches long. That is about the same width as I had anticipated. It means that my left foot is bigger than my left pinkie. It is 2 inches.

  16. My foot is 8 inches long and 3 1\2 inches wide.
    My righting journal is about as long as my foot.
    Mrs.Musone's tape is about 3 1\2 inches wide.
    WOW!! My foot is bigger than I expected it to be.
    My foot from side to side. My foot is huge!

  17. With my shoe off my foot is 8 in (inches) and my friend Cameron's foot is 8 in (inches) long.
    With my shoe off my foot is 1 3/4 of a in, it is as long as a Expo from the lid to the coler at the top of the marker.

  18. My foot is about (with my shoe off) is 7 1/2 inches tall. I figured out that my foot is about as tall as a book in my classroom. The book is 8 inches tall. My foot is 3 inches wide. I figured out that my foot is about the as wide as a skinny piece that I found in my writing journal. The skinny piece of paper is 3 inches wide. That is how tall and wide my feet are.

  19. I decided to measure my feet with my shoes off.When I measured my left foot it was about 7 inches as my right foot was 7 1/2 inches long.When I measured my foot in width, my left foot was 2 1/4 inches wide and my right foot was 2 1/2 inches wide.Something the same length as my right foot was a pencil box and my left foot was as big as Mrs.Musone's flamingo hanging from a thumbtack. That is my measurments of my feet.

  20. I am choosing to measure with my shoe off and on. My foot is 10 inches with my shoe on and my foot is 9 an half inches with out my shoe. My foot is bigger going up and down then a computer. The computer was 8 inches long. My foot wift is 4an a half inches wide with my shoe on. My shoe off is 4 inches wide.

  21. My right foot is 9¨ long. My right foot side to side is 2¨ side to side. My lightf foot is 8 in agh half. my lighft foot is 2-in-a-half.

  22. My foot is five in a half inches am going too this is the object for my five inch foot whiteboard eraser two in a half of in same size of my foot.

  23. My foot is 8.5 inches long and 3 inches wide. I found that regular paper is 8.5 inches wide, the same as the length of my foot. I have a small clock that is almost 3 inches wide

  24. my feet are 4 inces.:D :D D:

  25. my foot is 7 in half in and 8.4 in

  26. my foot is 8 inchesmy foot can line up to a box

  27. My foot is about 3 inches wide and 8 inches long.I have a small box about that size.

  28. my foot is about 9 to 9.5 inchins long,and my foot is about 3.5 to 4 in. wide, and im going to comepair my foot my a swimming kick board and there about the same length as my foot.

  29. heaven My foot is a 2 in kids a pease of papers with is the same size

  30. My foot is a five in teenager sizes. My foot is the lenght of a regular computer keyboard.(Length mean's the hight up and down.)My foot is also the hight(or lenght they mean the same thing.)of a mouse pad you would use at school.

  31. My foot is about 10 inches long and about 2 inches long.

  32. My foot is 7.5 long and 2 inches wide.I found out that a binder is the same lenth of my foot.

  33. Eaw I woud measer with a shoe on;).

  34. My foot is 8 inches in length. It is 3 inches wide. I found a dictionary that is 8 inches, which is the length of my foot.

  35. My foot is 4 inches long. And 2 inches wide.

  36. my foot is 8 in a half and 4 inches wide

  37. My foot is 4 inches long. And my foot is 2 and a half inches wides

  38. My foot is 8 and a half inches long and 3 and a half inches wide.

  39. My foot is 7inches long and 3inches wide.I found a phone book is 7inches long and a little peice of paper is 3inches wide.

  40. My foot is 8 and 3/4 inches long and 3 inches wide. The hermit crab cage is 8 and 3/4 inches long and the outlet cover is 3 inches wide.

  41. My foot is 7 inches. a video game case is about the same leath as my foot. Also a book is 7 inches too.

  42. My foot is 8 inches and 3 inches wide. I found a tv remote that is close to 8 inches it measured 8 and a half inches and 1 and a half inches wide.

  43. My foot measures 8 inches long and 3 inches wide. one of my moms hair brushes is 8 inches long and a ketchup bottle in our fridge is 3.5 inches wide.

  44. My foot is 8 and a half inches long and 3 inches wide.

  45. My foot is seven inches long and two inches wide. A fork is seven inches long. That is the same amount of inches as my foot.

  46. My foot is 8 inches long and 2 3/4 inches wide.I measured moms video camera that was 2 3/4 inches wide and my Chuck E. Cheese picture that was 8 inches long.

  47. My foot measures 8 1/2 inches long and 3 1/2 inches wide. My dads coffee cup is 3 1/2 inches high and our phone book is 8 1/2 inches wide.

  48. My foot is 8 inches long and 3 inches wide.
    I measured with my grandmother's measering tap that is 96 and a half inches tall.

  49. I measured my foot and it was 8 inches long and 3 inches wide. My mom's sea salt grinder is also 8 inches long. My mom's kitchen sponge is 3 inches wide.

  50. My foot is 5 inches long and 3 inches wide.

  51. I measured my foot and it was 8 inches long and 3 inches wide.I measured my mom picture frame and it was 8 inches long too.

  52. My foot is 7.5 inches long and 3 inches wide. I found a banana that was 7.5 inches long, the same as the length of my foot. My dog's toy is 3 inches long.

  53. My foot is about inches long.

  54. My foot is about 8 inches long and 3 inches wide.I found a book that is 8 inches.I found a piece of tape that is 3 inches

  55. My foot is about 8 inches long and 3 inches wide.
    I found a book that is about the same size. I found a piece of tape

  56. My foot is 8 and a half inches long and 3 wide. I found a book that is 8 and a half inches. I also found a piece of tape that is 3 inches wide.
