Sunday, January 9, 2011

National Letter Writing Week, January 9-15, 2011
Have you ever gotten a letter from a friend or relative? Letters can be very special to the person receiving them. Before email and cell phones, letters were the main way people who did not live close to each other would communicate. The letters written and received by many famous people are kept in museums or published in books.

This week is National Letter Writing Week. Choose a person in your school to whom you would like to write a personal letter. It might be a friend, a teacher, the secretary, custodian, lunch lady, or principal. In the post below, tell us who you would like to write your letter to and why you chose them.

My example:

I will write my letter to my bus driver telling her what a great job she does driving us safely to school each day. I will also tell her that it is nice that she smiles and welcomes us as we get on the bus.

After you write your sentence, start working on your letter. Usually you will do a draft first and then a good final copy, perhaps on nice stationery. I am sure your letter will be very special to the person receiving it.


  1. I have a very special person who I am going to write a letter to. I'm going to write a Happy Birthday letter to Mrs. Snyder, one of our fabulous lunch ladies. I just learned that today she is turning 80 years old. Mrs. Zarfos told me and she knows since Mrs. Snyder is her mother. Mrs. Zarfos also said that it's the students and staff that keep her mother young! I want Mrs. Snyder to know that I wish her a very Happy Birthday.

  2. I am wrighting a letter to one of my best friends. His having a brithday party in 4 days and we are going to the movies to go see Tron Legasee I have all ready seen it but it is such a awsome movie that I want to see it agen. I really hope that his party is the best party in the hole wrold.

  3. I am going to writing my best frinend my frinded that come to my hose and I come to his bithrday and his hose and when to the park with 3 times

  4. I am righting to one of my friends I hope you like the letter and I hope you have a good time in your class. I hope I see you at lunch tommrow.

  5. I want to write a letter to David he has atomize. I work with him it is very cool working with David. it is it is sometimes hard but we get the job done. I want to rite to David because he is my buddy. I am looking forward to writing the letter.

  6. I am going to write to my favorite teacher she teaches us math and more math it is my favorite teacher so far in the past four years.

  7. I am righting to one of my friends I hope you like my letter and I hope your having a good time in your class. I hope I see you in lunch tommrow I liked when we did the 12 hungry days of chirsmas I hope we can get together again.

  8. I am writing to one of my classmates. I am writing to that person because that person is my friend that person is nice to my that person is my true friend.

  9. Hello Tray I hope you have the rest of a great day this is your Friend Sole' even if you don't now me I still want you to have a very very good day.

    Your Friend Sole'

  10. I am writing a letter to my cousin Ryan because he is my only cousin in the school. I am writing the letter to him because he helps me with a lot of things even though he is in 2nd grade. I am going to write that I am glad he is my cousin and he is a great cousin to have. That is who I am going to write my letter to.

  11. I am writing to one of my friends. I am writing to this person because I work with him and he is very nice And that is why I want to write to him.

  12. I'm going send a letter to David who is in Mrs. Peterson's her students atomize. The reason I am writing to David is because he sent a card to my class. I want to respond to David because I like to make people's day.

  13. I am writing to a first grader because he wrote to me asking "Can you come to my house and help me make my own lego video?" ( I do lego star wars videos at my house in my free time in the basement) I'm going to add.
    1.I can come to his house but, I have to ask my mom.
    2.I'm going to ask what kind of legos he has. And that's how I'm righting to.

  14. I want to write a letter to my brother, Pierce. He sent me a letter before. He told me in his letter to write him back so I guess I will. I will write him a nice, friendly letter. I will write in my for Pierce to write me back in my letter.

  15. I am writing to one of my friends that is nice kind and someone I can really talk to easily that is why I am writing to this person.

  16. I am writing to one of my friends. He has bin to my house and I've been to his house. I am writing to him because he is my friend. This person is in my class. I like when we are on the sames football team. I hope you like my latter!

  17. I want to write to my teacher Mrs.Musone because she tought me and my class TONS of stuff.She is SOOOOOO nice friendly and kind.She has tought us for the PSSA's. She is very nice.

  18. I have a very special person who I would write to... Mrs.Snyder. I will write to Mrs.Snyder because today is her 80th birthday. She is one of our lunch ladies. I think she is very,very important to our school because if she was not here our lunch would not be the same. She puts some pizazz into it!!!

  19. I am going to write to my friend gorge and tell how much I liked It when he came to my house. And tell him some secrits to him. And I will tell how good a friend he is.

  20. Happy Birthday Mrs.Snider I am Excited that it's your Birthday and at home I hope you a very good Birthday and I hope you have a laughing time at home your Good,Nice student Sole'

  21. I whut to wreit a letrer to my sister Isabell cos she has not herd ferum me in a whiyall. she is a swet and loveing gerl to. she cheers you up when you ned it and most in potinlyshe olwas has time for ferens!!!

  22. I am going to write to a classmate that is kind,helpful,caring,loving she is one of the best friends I have ever had so that is why I think she derers a letter!

  23. I am going to write to a friend in Miss Johnson class. She is very nice to me. We have been friends since 2nd grade and have had three play dates. She helps me if I don't get something in class and helps me up if I fall and I get hurt she takes me to the nurse office and waits there for me then we walk down the hallway together. She is awesome,nice and is friendly. She will never ever laugh at you else you laugh at yourself because you think it is funny.

  24. I am witting Lindsay. She is my best best friend ever. She is in third grade she is and she is a smart cookie and funny she is also go too church I always tell more about Jesus and how he die for us and some time other thing's and lunch at school and chocolate that's the the letter send too Lindsay.

  25. I am going to write a letter to my friend Patrick. I will because I don't see him on the weekends.

  26. I am going to write a letter to Sam because I don't see him on the weekends.

  27. I am going to write a letter to my freind Payton. I am going to write a letter to her because we are really good freinds.

  28. I am writing to one of my best friends, Jordan because he is funny and a awesome friend.

  29. I would write a letter to my teacher. Cause I would tell him that he is doing a good job teaching me.

  30. I would write a letter to my teacher, to tell him he's doing a good job teaching us.

  31. I am writing a letter to Patrick because he is a good friend. I would like to write to him because he plays with me a lot.

  32. I would write my letter to my friend Cyler. I would write him a letter because hes my best friend and he always plays football with e and he takes up for me.

  33. I am writing my letter to Sade because she is my best friend ever. Sade is my best friend because she never tells secrets about me or ever lies to me.

  34. I am writing a letter to my pen pal Nicole. Nicole is one of my best friends because she is really nice to me. Nicole's mom has been friends with my mom since they were teenagers.

  35. I would write my letter to my Onye' because she is my best friend.Onye' is my friend because she is a good friend to me and she would tell sercerts about me and she would never lie to me.

  36. Iam writing a letter my friend William because he alwas give joy to me.He aiso play with me but aiso like him being my friend.

  37. I would write a letter to Ashly my best friend that moved away two years ago at my old house. I would write to her because I haven't seen her in a long time and I miss her.

  38. I would write a letter to my teacher because he teaches me a lot off stuff.He teaches me a lot of stuff because I need to be smart to get in to get in to college.

  39. I am writing a letter to my friend Zackree because he cares about me. He also makes sure If I fall down he asks me If I'm alright.That is why I like being his friend too.

  40. I am writing a letter to Makenzie because she is my best friend.She is my friend because she is friendly,funny,and is nice.We also have sleepovers. I like having a freind.

  41. I would write my letter to Zackree because he is funny and he makes me laugh. I also have fun playing with him at school.

  42. I am witing a letter to Payton she is one of my bestes firends and she is always nice to me and she is a smart and a good firend and she will stile be my friend if I move.

  43. I would write to Jordan S. because he always making up jokes. And dancing he is really really FUNNY

  44. Mr. Sweitzer I meant to make funny lower case

  45. I forgot to write my name

  46. I will write my letter to my 2nd grade teacher Mrs Evans to find out how her school year is going. I would ask her if she is having a pizza or ice cream party this year. I would tell her about Sweitzer dollars and what I am doing this year.

  47. I will write my letter to my 24 year old cousin Zack. He is a raper so I don't get to see him that much, so when I do see him I make it speicel. In my letter I would ask him how it is up in Arizona.

  48. I will write my letter to my bus driver telling her what a great job she does driving us safely to school each day. I will also tell her that it is nice that she smiles and welcomes us as we get on the bus

  49. I would wright a letter to my friend Kayla Lynn because she moved an I havent seen her in a while.

  50. I would write my letter to Lee for being such a good friend.He smiles,plays games,and we have the same hobbies.That is my letter to my friend Lee.

  51. i will write a letter too my best friend kayla . because she is my friend and im really looking forward too writing the letter.

  52. I will writh my lettr to my teacher that i like math

  53. i would write a letter to my aunt because i want to tell her that she is a good aunt

  54. I would write to my cousins beacuse I don't see them a lot.I would say hi.

  55. I will write a letter to my teacher becasuse she is so nice and even though i talk alot she is there to help me with that and other things too.i wanted her last year and now i got her.

  56. i would write a letter to my friend in florida and say i will see you next christamas.

  57. i would write to a swim teacher because i know they do a jod at there work and they help me at geeting better times

  58. I wud rite a lettr to my frnd Lee because he;s my best friend and it wud be a vry gud lettr to him cus hes my best frnd.:D:):l:(:P

  59. I will write my letter to Jesse telling him he's cool.

  60. i would send a letter to my mom because she is a good cook .

  61. i write letters to my

  62. I am writing a letter to my friend Abby because she is nice.

  63. Alexus ~!
    i would write to my mom because she is very great peron and i love her very much come check out my blog


  64. did you know that ulssys s.grant got a speeding for ridding his hores to fast.

  65. I love spring because u can play with your friends.I love spring.

  66. I like spring because it is nice out.

  67. I love March because it is HOT alot aoside.

  68. i like spring because it is very hot outside and you get to play outside
