Monday, February 28, 2011


Over the last few weeks we have been given a few nice, warm days, a sign that spring is on the way! Soon we will see other signs of spring! What are the things you look forward to as we get rid of winter and move to warmer weather.

Here is my example:

I like so many things about spring. I love to hear the birds singing every morning and look forward to all the flowers and trees blooming. But the thing I like the most is not having to wear a heavy winter coat!


  1. We are looking forward to spring because we like to do things outside!

  2. I LOVE the many signs of spring. I love to leave work in the evening without having to leave in total darkness. I enjoy seeing my neighbors outside again because it seems like we all hibernate in the winter. One of the things that I enjoy most is hearing children playing outside in my neighborhood. There are so many things about spring that I adore!

  3. I am exited for spring because it's when baseball starts,the trees grow into BIG trees,we get to wear shorts,new legos come out,it gets warm enough to swim in a outside pool. I get to go play with my friends Wade,Christian T and A,Justin,Ben,and others. But my MOST favorite is to go out and play with my family!

  4. I can't wait for Spring, because when it comes I can take bike rides with my friends and family, play Flash Light Tag, pick up games in Basketball,Baseball Soccer,and maybe other sports so I think I'm going to have a lot of fun in the Spring like I do every Year.

  5. I LOVE spring in many different ways! I like spring because I love listening to the birds tweeting outside my window. I also like spring because the PSSA's for the 3rd graders are almost over and summer is right around the corner so that means school is over and your 4th grade year is coming but summer is slipping away! The last way that I love spring is because it is my favorite time of the year and I can play with my sister outside with shorts and a tank top! That are the many different ways I LOVE spring!

  6. I am exited for spring! I'm glad because it will be warm out and I can shoot lacrosse balls at the lacrosse goal. I'm also exited because I won't have to where heavy coats and I can go Green Vally and Lincoln Way. I like to go outside too. I like to play football,lacrosse,ride bikes,play with Nerf guns,tag,freeze tag and others. I also like to invite friends over. I like to invite Cameron,Wade and Holden. That's what I like to do in the spring.

  7. I love the spring it is beautiful outside so that means I could play basketball,baseball, and football. But the thing that I really don't like about spring is good bye snow boarding, but hello basketball. I like hearing the birds sing. I like the fact that I open my pool near the end of the spring and my spa, but the water will be freezing. I get to play outside with my friends. I love to play with my family.

  8. I love everything about Spring! I mostly love is how there is no snow! So then I can go to the park play on the playground. Another thing that I like about Spring is how the days become longer. I like the Spring because I do not have to wear a big, fluffy winter coat. Spring is a warm season to me because I can wear sweat shirts and short sleeves. Probably shorts too. I love the rain in the spring because a few days later there will be flowers. There are so many thing that I love about Spring I can not share them all! I can not wait until Spring comes!

  9. I`m dieing for spring because I get to ride my bike and get exercise and play soccer. I get to go to the pool. I can go camping or on a hike and even just take a walk around the block. What I really like about spring is ester.

  10. I LOVE spring in so many different ways!! I love spring because I like running home hearing the birds chirping & smelling the beautiful flowers! I like spring because there is no snow that makes the ground on soggy. another way I love spring is because soccer starts (I love soccer). My next way I love spring is because I can ride my bike and feel the warm air go through my hair. My other way I like spring is because I like wearing shorts & tank-tops. My last way I like spring is because I love swimming,slip-in-sliding,And playing with water balloons. That is why I love spring!!!!!!!

  11. I like spring because it is VERY warm out and I stat too do swimming going too be trianed by someone and I mite go too the pool and go too sosbaeery and stay there for a cuple days a and I will do a lot of sports and clsses and go to the park a lot thats why I can't wate too get too spring and I will always have fun .

  12. I like spring because I love to play out side with my friends and jump in to my pool with my friends plus my birth day.

  13. I can't what for spring because you get to wear shorts and I get to swim in outside pools and get to wash my mom and dad's car. I like to play outside with my friends and family.

  14. I like spring because I can go and get some bike rides and play baseball and go to HERSHEY PARKKKKK and get 50 Hershey chocolate cookie and have fun.

  15. I like spring because I can go swimming in my pool and I git to have ester with my family and I git invited to berthdays in spring.

  16. I love spring so many ways!!!!! Like.........
    1. Love to hear the birds chirping
    2. Love to see the new trees blowing
    3. Love to see the new flowers blowing
    4. Love to play with my sister
    5. Love to play with my coines
    6. Love to play with my friends
    7. Love to play with my family
    8. Love to play with my class mates (in all class I was in)
    9. Love to play with my dog
    10.Love to go camping
    And this is why I LOVE SPRING!!!!!!!

  17. I am exited for spring because it's when I can be outside on my swing and then I fall off of my swing and one time sprained my wrist. I love spring it is my favorite season of the year. That's why I can't wait too get too spring and I will always have
    fun in the sun.

  18. I love Spring because spring is so!!!! lovely when the flowers bloom and you can play out-side with your friends and family I'm in love with spring.Spring is my friend.

  19. I like to play outside with my little sister.

  20. Baseball season is coming up and I like playing baseball.

  21. I love spring because you get to play outside and it is baseball season.

  22. I love spring because I get to go to the park and shoot baskets with my dad.

  23. I love spring because I get to play soccer with my dad.

  24. I like spring because of the weather!

  25. I love sping. one reason is that I Don't have to wear a havy coat. Also it star's to get worm.Now my favrite one I can play outside more.

  26. I love the things about spring. I like the way plants,trees,and grass grows. I can play with my dog.

  27. I love the things about spring.I like my dog can play.I get to go to the beche and swim in the sea

  28. I love many things about spring. I like the plants growing and trees. I also like the signs of spring because when it gets warm the weather gets nicer.

  29. I love three things about spring.I love to see the flowers bloom,and I like to play out side more aften.The last thing I like about spring is I like that I don't have to where my winter jacket.

  30. I love lots of things about spring. I like it when the pools open. Then my family and I can go swiming.I also like to watch the trees turn green and the grass.

  31. One of the things that I like about spring is that it gets a little wammer. Another thing I like about spring is it gets closer to no school. And the fanile thing I like about spring is we don't have to ware heavy coats anymore.

  32. I can not wait till it is spring, Because you do not have to wear those heavy coats anymore.So you can go swiming, ride your bike and even go camping.

  33. I can't wait for Spring because it has warm weather and is the second best time to play outside.

  34. I love so many things about spring. I like to walk out the door and see squrles fighting.I also like to play with my dogs out in the yard. Also I like to start to plant and and mow the other thing I like to is go to the park.The final thing I like about spring is its close to NO SCHOOL!

  35. I like spring because you dont have to wear your coat.I like to see the flowers bloom.The weather is nice. That is why I like spring.

  36. I can't wait for Spring because I get to go outside and ride my bike. Also I like to watch the clouds and look at them. I love Spring because I can play with my brother.

  37. I like lots of things about spring.
    I also like spring because in spring it gets wormer.
    I also like spring because I don't have to wear a coat.I also like spring because I can look at the animals come out and that is why I like sping.

  38. What I like about spring is like to get out and play with my friends. What I also like about spring is when I play Baseball.I also like the sound of the birds when they come out and sing.

  39. What I like about spring is that it's warmer and I have a better chance of going out side. The second thing I like about Spring is that I don't have to wear a really heavy coat. The third thing I like about Spring is I don't have to worry riding my bike out side because my bike might trip on ice. The forth thing I like about spring is that I can play basketball with a heavy coat. The fifth thing I like about Spring is I can spend time with my friends.

  40. Spring is my third favorite seoson. I like that I don't half to ware a heavy coat. Also the school year is coming to an end. I also like that I can ride my bike play football and I can play outside with my dogs more. Spring is also great because it get's a little warmer and in the middle of spring it starts to get kinda hotter.

  41. I love four thing is about spring. I love playing outside with my friend Brett. I also like to pick the blooming flowers. Last but not least I like to not have to wear a winter coat.

  42. One thing I like about Spring is that I can play outside with my friends longer at night because it doesn't get dark so early. The second thing I like about Spring is I like to throw frisbee to my dog and play pitch and catch baseball with my dad. And the last thing I like about Spring is it is warmer outside.

  43. I love so many things about spring. For example I like seeing the beautiful flowers grow, and then pick theme. Playing out side going to the park and watching the birds and butterfly's fly all around.

  44. One thing I like about spring is that I start to practace starts. Another reson I like going swiming. The last reson is that I can were shorts.

  45. Jordan-

    I love the spring. I love to have the warm weather. I also like the spring because you can do lots of stuff outside with your friends and family.Thats why I love the spring.

  46. I love the spring because my birthday is in the spring and I love the warm weather. Also I love to go on picnics in the spring.

  47. In spring I like to see the flowers blooming in the hot warm air. But I do not like winter.
