Sunday, March 13, 2011

Good Luck
This week is St. Patrick's Day! Although it is an Irish holiday, it is celebrated all over the world and you don't have to be Irish to enjoy the many traditions of the day. On St. Patrick's Day you see lots of four-leaf clovers, which are symbols of good luck.

Most people have something they keep or do for good luck. Some people carry a rabbit's foot; some people eat certain foods on special days. What do you do for good luck?

Here is my example:

In my family, we eat pork and sauerkraut on New Year's Day, which is to bring us good luck in the coming year.

Even if you are not Irish, remember to wear green on March 17!


  1. I personally don't believe in lucky charms, but I know someone who mother. She doesn't have a lucky charm, but thinks there are "signs" that let people know if something is going to turn out good or bad. When I was younger, I had a lucky "number." My lucky number was 8. I don't know why I picked that to be my lucky number and I don't know if it ever really brought me any luck. I do think it is fun to make wishes or have something that you hope will happen. For example, I wished it wouldn't rain when I ran a big race. Luckily for me, it was a bright and sunny, but not to hot day.

  2. I only do some thing lucky on St. Patrick's Day because any other Holaday I don't feel like it. The way I get luck is My family and I put up four leaf cloavers on our frunt door and put we find cloavers to put in our houes and even some times we wach old Irish movies with my friends and family. We end it with a nice diner. Pork, macanchess and our dricks is grap juse.

  3. I have a lucky number, but not really a lucky thing I do with my family. My lucky number is 10. I don't know why this is my lucky number but I think I like it because it's when you first become a double digit in your life and I think thats why it is my lucky number. But I know my sister has this thing that smells really good... she calls it "NIGHT-NIGHT" I think it's lucky because when she takes one sniff she's bound to have GREAT dreams that night.

  4. I don't believe in lucky charms but I know someone who does my brother.. he has a necklace for a lucky charm he thinks that it tells him that something is going to turn out good or bad. I don't believe in lucky charms but I do have a lucky number in fact three lucky numbers they are 7, 8 and 5 they are my lucky numbers but they did not do much for a lucky numbers I think I only like them because they look better than the other numbers and sound better when you say them. I have a NOT lucky number it is 9 and my opinion is that it sounds weird and looks kind of weird.

  5. I don't have a lot of things that I use for good luck but I have a couple. I had a lucky number since around kindergarden the lucky number has probably changed but right now the number is 5. I really do have a reason why it is my lucky number it is because that is the number month that my birthday is in. My birthday is May. I have another reason why it is that number it is because I was in pre-school at that age and that was my favorite time in school. I also make wishes on St. Patrick's day. I think it is fun to make wishes. For example I make wishes on my birthday for me to go on a Disney cruise. My wishes never ever came true when I wished on my birthday or on any other time I wished besides my birthday!

  6. I personally don't believe in lucky charms, but I know someone who brother. he thinks that if there is a chance of rain then that means something bad is going to happen and if there is a sun in the sky it means that there will be no rain for 2 days or more, he is always wrong about this because once it was raining for only 5 hours he got real mad but still follows his belief. I have a lucky number though it is the number 9, I know why I picked that number because it is the day I was born October 9,2001(10-9-01) I am very excited for this special day. I hope to find a 4 leaf clover but I do not no why I want to find one.

  7. I found out my lucky charm yesterday..... my lucky is a necklace that has the first letter in my name!!! The letter is a A!!!!!!!!! I found that out because I was shooting some basket and my sister dared me to a basket ball game and I was wearing my necklace and I was so scared and I whisked that her best friend would call and ask her to play and that is just what happened and my sister would never not go to Emma's (sister's best friend) house when she called and that is why my necklace is lucky!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I don't believe in luck, but I did use to believe in luck. I had a lot of lucky stuff. I had a lucky color, a lucky number, and a lucky letter. I use to think that if I don't like the color that is my lucky color I would think that bad things would happen to me. My lucky color is green.I don't know why I choose green for my lucky color. My lucky number was "1". I choose"1" because my favorite coin was the penny and since it is worth 1 cent I choose "1" for my lucky number. My lucky letter is "J" my lucky letter was "J" because that is the first letter of my name. But I DO NOT believe in that stuff any more. Because it never brought me luck.

  9. I don't have one lucky chram I have many, like a pen, book, pencil and it goes on and on and on for ever. The reason they are all lucky for me because they all have been with me and when they were they gave something I wanted so I tryed to do it with out it and it didn't work so I try it again with it and it worked so that's how a lucky thing is a lucky or it has to be something like that.

  10. I don't have a lucky charm but I do have a lucky number,my lucky number is 61 because my dad's race car number was 61,my brothers soccer number was 61,my brothers basketball number was 61,& my soccer number is 61. That is why my lucky number is 61. I do like making wishes for fun like I could wish that it would be a nice sunny day out tomorrow for my soccer practice & it was a sunny day not to cold not to hot just a fine day to be out side and have soccer practice. I do look for 4 leafed clovers. But I don't cary a bunny's foot though. And I don't believe in superstitions for example I don't believe that if a black cat walks in front of me I will have bad luck,or if I walk under a latter I will have bad luck. That is what I believe in and what Ii don't believe in.

  11. I have a lucky number but I do not have a lucky thing to do. My lucky number is 22 because it is my birthday number and I have another lucky number it is 3 this is another lucky number because it is my Moms birthday and I like the number 3. I like 22 better then 3 because it is my birthday number but I like 22 a little better. I think I get luck from my birthday when I blow out my candles because I wished I had a dog and my Mom bought my family one for chirstmas and my birthday is the 22 of December so that is onley three days past. I wonder if my birthday wish comes true next year and I wonder what I'm going to wish for.

  12. I personaly do beleive in good luck charms and it is my family. My family is always lucky to me because they alwys do nice things to me and sometimes egnore what I say. For example, I wished in my room that I can have Littelest Pet Shop, and the next day they bought it for me. The same thing with my sibling.1 night I wanted her to be a tid bit nicer to me. The next morning,my sibling was nicer to me! That is why my family in my good luck charm.

  13. I think luck comes your way when you are being nice to other people. Every time I seem to be thinking of others and going out of my way to be kind, luck seems to find me. Mrs. Riley

  14. On holidays I believe in the good luck thing but on other days like normal days I don't. I do have a lucky number but I forget if we do lucky numbers or not. My lucky number is 10. It is my lucky number because March 10th is my birthday and I always get good present and I always have fun with my family. I think sometimes I get lucky when I do the wish bone on Thanks- Giving because I get the biggest side sometimes.

  15. I don't really believe in lucky charms but I did last year. In the spring time last year I looked around in my yard for 4 leaf clovers. If I found 1 4 leaf clover (which I have.) I would wish for something. I would wish that I would go for 1 day with out getting in trouble. But the next day my wish did not come true. So I have decided to look for another 4 leaf clover. This time I wish I could go over to my friend's house. It took a long time to happen but I did get to go over to her house. I wished that I could go over again. But it did not happen. Then I gave up and I started to talk to Jesus and all my wishes came true.

  16. I do belive in lucky charms because I put a horse-shoe up and hang it over my door of my room or we (my family and I) look for 4 leaf clovers and put them in a bag.My lucky number is 7 because my soccer number and my mom is called it a lucky number !

  17. I believe in lucky charms but I know someone who does not Mrs. Musone.
    My families lucky charm is to eat pork and sauerkraut for good luck just like Mrs.Sheffer. I also have a luck but I have a couple. I had a lucky number since around kindergarden the lucky number has probably changed but right now the number is 9.

  18. I believe in luck and I even made my own good luck charm neckless and then put a charm in it. Then in the morning I decide to try my lucky charm neckless and to me it didn't work at all but I didn't give up I kept trying,trying after that I said to my self I wonder how I can make the lucky charm neckless work is there a mistery to it or a spell or maby I need to try harder hmm. I just don't know what it is about magic I can try to make up a spell,wish on a star,wish in a magic fantin,wish on a wishing star, and make a wish on a candel then blow on it. Those are all the my ways of good luck.

  19. What I do for luck is some of my family members come over for dinner, that is a great gift to me and my family that they are near and not so far away. we always pray for the food we have. I are very, very thankfully for the food I get. Then after that we will be doing some activities and the kids go up stairs and do a dance clubs and then my couisins come down stairs. I have a lucky animal it is a stuff dragon I sleep with it every night.

  20. 4 like good luck i dono wat we do or sumthin, i think serchin our closets 4 gold iz dsumpin ?

  21. my lucky number is 8.

  22. my lucky number is 10.

  23. I would have to say my luck number is 7!

  24. My lucky number is 2 because when I was to it was fun.

  25. My lucky number is 4.I am not sure why but it has helped me through the years.rolls in games,going first in random games,and having fun with it.

  26. I wonder why four-leaf clovers are so rare... To me an easier way to get good luck might be by finding lucky pennies. The pennies have heads up and tails down. I think there are also four-leaf clovers in Lucky Charms cereal. Not real ones but marshmallow ones.

  27. I think there are to but if you look in Lucky Charms Cereal closely there might even be FIVE LEAF CLOVERS!!!!:)))

  28. I look for a four leave clover. Because some times they bring goodlock and sometimes not.

  29. I play video games.I look at the clouds.and I eat pudding.
