Sunday, December 19, 2010

A Break from School

Wow, in just a few days you will be on your way to a holiday break and many days away from school. I hope you all have something fun and relaxing planned. This week, let's write a one sentence that tells all of us two things you plan to do over the break.

Here is my example:

Over the holiday break I plan to visit my family and read my new book.

I hope you all have a wonderful time off from school. Try to read every day! See you in 2011!


  1. on my break i wanna have nothin but fun.hopefully it will snow so i can make a snow fort and have a huge snowball fight!!

  2. over my Christmas break i plan to rip open ALL my presents on Christmas eve and eat and spend time with my family on Christmas day.

    (I <3 CHRISTMAS)!!1

  3. Over holiday break i'm going to have the shepard's dinner at my Aunt Mary's house.
    I'm also going to read more inkheart

  4. i am going to take pictures and read alot.

  5. im going to go to my grandmothers house 4 christmas up at Harveys Lake and i get 2 see my cousin that lives in Rhoad Island

  6. over the holiday break i am moving back to west york and i am at dover right now. i am so happy that i am going to be a new kid again. i like being a new kid it is fun.

  7. merry christmas everyone

  8. Over the holiday break i plan to work up at market with my nan and have friends over and play in the snow if it snow's and hopefully i won't get hurt this time!!!!!!And maybe play with my cats.

  9. on my break i wanna have a snow ball fight with my bigger my friends and my littler sisters.

  10. i will have alot of fun if it snows lol

  11. Over the holiday I plan to watch Iron man 2 and open my new presents on Chrismas.

  12. Over holiday break i will relax,sleep and eat!!!ho!!!!!!ho!!!!!!ho!!!!!! :)

  13. i would go to my gramal and have a blast

  14. Over school break I'm going to my mimi's house and play bingo and drink jungle jucie

  15. over chrismas break i plan to have a party at my dads house we are going to have a good time and a lot of people

    MERRY CHRISMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. On my break I want to mess with my sister and play video games

  17. On my Christmas break I will spend time with my family and play a little bit of video games. Like I will help my family with cooking cookies yum! When we are done with that I'm going to lay down on my big couch with my family and relax.

  18. I am looking forward to this holiday break because I get to see my brother who lives in Los Angeles. He travels all the way to Pennsylvania to visit my family. We always have a blast. I am also looking forward to exchanging gifts on Christmas Eve. This year, my family "shopped around the house." That means we found "gifts" in our closets and drawers. It is going to be a silly, but fun, gift exchange. The one thing I am not looking forward to is not seeing twenty-three smiling faces at school (I'm talking about my students).

  19. I am looking forward for to opening breast. I am looking forward to sled have a snow ball figt. I am looking forward to bulie a snowman and a fort.

  20. I am looking forward to this holiday break because I get to see my cosines, my ant Mary, my uncle Joe, my Grammy, and my Grandpa. I am also looking forward to getting persistence and giving persistence. On Christmas I am going to my Grammy house to see my Dad's side of the family. I will also reed my new books.

  21. I'm looking forward to spend time with my family, doing a Christmas play as Joseph, opening presents on Christmas Eve, staying up till midnight on New Years Day, and having the "THE GREAT FEST".

  22. I am looking forward to this holiday break because my moms birthday is the day before Christmas and I might miss church or I'll go to church on Christmas eve. I know that I'm going to miss swim practice because it's at 8 A.M. in the morning! The thing I can't wait for at all is CHRISTMAS DAY! I get to open my persents,see my family,and share the joy of Christmas and of coures I'm selubrating Juseus's birth!

  23. I am looking forward to spend time with my family and, playing with my sisters in he snow if there is snow. I really can't wait in tell I get to play video games like Mario kart with my family. But the thing that really makes me happy is seeing my cousins Erik and Andrew I never get to see Erik because he is in the air force so that makes me really excited.

  24. I'm looking fuerd to see my famly in Indaplias because my famley is in Indenapis and I rilly wun't to see my cusin Jonthin and my gramol nannsy. I wun't to have a Ipodtoch for christmas.

  25. I can not wait until the Christmas break. I will spent my Christmas in Disney World. I think it will be very fun to spend Christmas down in Disney. I will have a BIG Christmas dinner there. I will also open my Christmas presents in Disney. So then I don't have to wait until when I get back from Disney World. So I guess it just like I'm having Christmas in Disney World. I will also miss my friend in my class and my lovely teacher when I leave to Disney.

  26. I am looking fuerd to seeing my famly on Christmas eve. I am also looking foured to waking up on Chistmas day to the dalitfoul gifts and the cookes and CHOKOLET.I wish you all A MARY CHRISTMAS.

  27. I am looking forward to opening presents and spending time with my family. I really want to spend time with my grandpa and grandma and my cousins because I haven't seen them in so long.I also hope that it snow's for Christmas so I can go out and make a snowman and have a snow ball fight.

  28. I am looking forward to this holiday break because I get to enjoy my time with my family and play a little bit of XBox360 with my dad and brother. I get to open my presents because I want a pod touch and something for my DS to get cheats for one of my games.

  29. I am so exsited for Christmas break and Christmas! I hope it snows because I would like to go to deep creek and snow board, sled, go in the hot tub (if they have one) and tube. I also want to play in the snow and come in and drink hot coco. I think I will have a good time!

  30. I am looking forward to seeing my cousins on holiday break because we always have a good time and go outside and sleep over. My grandpal is coming down from florida and my Dad. they might come down today since it's my birthday and probaly play games. Like trouble memory fun in a box and more games then we might eat and watch football on t.v. or he might watch me play something like Mario bros on the Wii. I will probly play Xbox with my cousins and play modern war fare then we will play zombies a fun game that we made up. wii.

  31. Sole' Christina SharpeDecember 21, 2010 at 2:56 PM

    On my holiday break I want to have some more mackinaw-cheese on my holiday feast at diner time then when I'm finish I want to play in the snow and built a snow fort with my friend that's what I want to do on my Christmas break Merry Christmas Mrs.Musone.

  32. I can`t wait for the holiday brake. I get to spend time with my family and sit by the fire on Christmas day. I like to relax and play simple game.

  33. I am looking forward to opening up presents on Christmas Day and seeing my family. I hope I get a new barbie house that is a 2 story house and I could use it to be a garden shed for them because all of the barbies like to garden. I will be on my best behavior because my family seems to get a little off hand every time a gift is unwrapped and they were the person who gave it to them. I can't believe that Christmas is all most hear and it will soon be time to open presents before you even know it. I hope I get whatever I want this Christmas.

  34. I am looking forward to going to my cousins house on Christmas morning because I can give my oldest cousin my gift and he will get happy and I like when he is happy not grumpy! I am also looking foward to going to my Grandma's house for Christmas party with just my 1st cousins, I am very excited because my one cousins live in Dallistown and my other cousins live in Pittsburgh! That is what I am REALLY looking foward to over the Holiday break!

  35. What I am looking forerd to do is "doing stana exchang"that means your hole family gets together and there is 1 grownup is "stana" and 1 woman that is"Mrs.Claws"and there is two "elafts"that are kids.Ualiy"Stana"is my grandpa "Mrs.Claws is my grandma or my aunt and the"elafts"are me and my brother or my 16 year coison (my 18 yaer old coison usealy sits down and wates for his)My other thing is that I am looking forward to, is that I am going to open presents and see my mom open up hers.

  36. I am looking forward to opening up presents on Christmas Day seeing my family. I am also looking foreword to backing cookies for Santa.

  37. I am looking forward to seeing my family and opening presnts. I am also looking forward to taking a break from school.

  38. I am looking forward to spending time with my Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Sandy and my cousin, Ray. I am also looking forward to Christmas Eve when we eat crabballs and shrimp. It is alot of fun with my family!

  39. I am lookimg forward to going to my cousins house and playing in my basement.

  40. I am looking forward to Christmas

  41. I am looking foward to seeing my family and oping all of my christmas presents. And laughing and I am going to have a lot of fun

  42. Im looking forward to spending time with my family.I like to play in the snow to.My favorite thing to do is open my presents on Christmas day.

  43. I am looking forward to see my brother Sam and see my family.

  44. I am looking foward to see what presents I got.And seeing my family

  45. I am looking fowrerd to Santa coming and my friend Aniee sleeping over at my houes and macking jinjer bred man and eating the jinjer bred houes we mad at sckool.

  46. I am looking forward to spending time with my family over the break.Also over the break I am looking forward to finishing my basement.

  47. Over the beak I am looking forward to make snow mans and see my family.

  48. I am looking forward to going to Utah. At Utah I am going to snowboard. I think snowboarding is more fun than skiing. I am also looking forward to drinking hot chocolate and opening my presents.

  49. I am looking forward to geting presents for my freinds and family and to read a book by the fireplace with hot chocolate.

  50. I am looking forward to go to my cousins' house.And there we are going to play games and watch movies with them.

  51. Over the hoilday break I wont to strive to play with my toys and ponder about what im getting for Christmas.Im going to strive to play with mostly is my video games.I what to ponder mostly about my big toys.

  52. I am looking forward to opening Christmas presents and staying up to celebrate New Years.

  53. I'm liking forward to playing with all my toys that I get for chrismas with my friends and famaily.I wood like to play with all my toys that I get for chrismas with my friends and famaily because it is fun playing with my friends and famaily.

  54. On the holiday break I'm looking forward to spending time with my family and having fun opening presents.

  55. On the holiday break I'm looking forward to opening presents. I'm also looking forward to going all the way to Vacouver to snowboard.

  56. I am looking forward to opening presents and playing outside with my friends. I am also looking forward to going to Cross Fork, PA to visit my grandma. I like to shoot my bow when I visit.

  57. Over the Christmas break I'm going to play with my new toys and go sledding if it snows.I like the Christmas break because I get to spend time with my family.

  58. I plan on playing with my new toys. I also hoping to go to the movies.

  59. I am looking forward to spending time with my family and EATING! Christmas is my favorite holiday when it comes to treats and eats! Sugar cookies, gumdrop cake, ham, cookies, cookies, and more cookies!

  60. Over the break I am looking forward to opening presents on Christmas Day because I go to my house my Grandma's house, and my Grandma Betty's house.One thing I hope I get is a D.S game called Crafting Mama.I have no clue what it is about but I think it is about a girl making crafts.

  61. I am looking forward to opening up my presents and having a great time with my familly. I wish Jesus a happy birthday.

  62. ANNIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) :) :DJanuary 5, 2011 at 9:29 AM

    My New Years watever is dat Im goin 2 do .......
    ...... um....... uuuuuuuu.......... I really dont no cause wateva it is its not gonna make
    diference so ya dats mi New Years watever

  63. And a notha thing u.......... uuuuuuuuu......

  64. I will be going to KINGS DUMINUN! I will be so fun!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!:]:]:]:]

  65. over the holiday break i am looking forward to have my friend kenzie come over and help us make cookies and also go snow boarding and sleding with her!!!!!!

  66. over my weekend I went to my grandmas house . I had turkey,gravy,and cheese cake too.
