Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year - Fresh Start

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday break.

Each January most people think of one thing they would like to improve upon during the new year. They call these New Year's Resolutions! Some New Year's Resolutions have to do with improving your health, like losing weight, getting more sleep, or eating more fruits and vegetables. Some Resolutions have to do with getting better grades, like reading more, practicing new words, or learning the times tables. Some Resolutions have to do with helping out around the house more, like making your bed every day, helping set the table for dinner, or taking out the garbage - all without being asked to do it!

What is your New Year's Resolution for 2011?


  1. One of my New Years Resolutions is to always look for the good in a situation. Sometimes, when things happen, like my car breaks down in the middle of the road, I tend to become pessimistic. Instead, I am going to choose to be optimistic. For example, when my car actually did break down in the middle of the road, I thought how fortunate I was to have NOT gotten in an accident.

    My other resolution is to write my Blog posts using details. I also want to make sure everything I post looks professional. That means having capitals and end marks as well as conventional spelling.

  2. My New Year Resolutions is I oways want to go snowbording with my caring famile. That is my Resolution because I love to wach snowbording on the winter olimpex and I love the snow.

    My other one is that I want to be the best bacsket ball player in the word.

  3. One of my New Year Resolutions is I want to stop my treats to once a month so I can get a 6 pack! I know that I'll have to do Crunches and sit ups. Crunches are when you put your hands on the back of your head and roll up so your shoulder blades don't touch the ground.

    My last New Year Resolution is to finish the Percy Jackson seres and Harry Potter seres so I can be done all the seres I want to read and read THE STAND!

  4. One of my resolutions is cleaning up my room. I pick this one because I like when my room is clean because I know were everything is and when I need it I know were to find it.

    My second resolution is to help my mom set up dinner. When dinner is finished I'll help my mom with the dishes. I thought of this one because if I help my mom with the dishes I will be abell to play and it will help my mom alot.

  5. My new year resolution is doing my choirs when I am not asked, I think I should do that because if I get it out of the way because my mom make me do choirs at the last minute but if I do it without being asked I will not have to do it at the last minute.

    My other new year resolution is being a little more nice to all my sisters because if I be a little more nice to them then they might treat me a lot better. I wouldn't say that I am always super nice to them but they are not really super nice to me that's why I think I should be a little more nice to all three of my sisters.

  6. One of my New Years Resolutions is to get along with my sister because we get in a lot of fights and my sister hurts me. Sometimes I am the one that causes the fight but most of the time it is my sister starting the fight! And I also don't want to be talking to her with mean words.

    My second New Years Resolution is to do my best at swim meets. So a beat my times for Fly, Back, Breast and Free. And I know I can beat my own times. I also want to do my best because I want to see a lot of first place ribbons from swim meets hanging up above my bed!!! That are my New Years Resolutions!

  7. My new year Resolution is that I want to start taking more care for my dog like if he needs to go out side to go to the bath room I will take him. I am going to start do that because I usually do not do it because I have to do a lot of stuff.

  8. My new years Resolution is to read more and find new books so I can get intrested in other kinds of books. I need new find a new sires of chapter books.

  9. Sole' Christina SharpeJanuary 3, 2011 at 2:10 PM

    What I want to do on New Years is eat some more of that tasty MC-Cheese because I love it so much I haven't planed any thing else to do mabby play some family games and wach some movies,go out to eat,go to the movies.Well I don't now waht to do but thats my story.*

  10. One of my New Years Resolutions is to finish the Harry Potter books seven times in all I would like to do this because it will be a big challenge.

    Another Resolution is to make three-point shot I want to do it because I want to prove I'm strong a nuf.

    My last Resolution is to get faster in swim practice I want to do this because I don't like my coaches yelling at me for being to slow.

  11. My New years resolution is to work better at my house because every time I try to help it just gets worse and I want to help my hole family's rooms because it will probably help out my mom and dad, sister, brother.

    My other resolution is to sleep better because it will help me work on my room and sisters room, brothers, sister, dad and my moms.

  12. One of my New Years Resolutions is to get along a lot better with my brother because we always get in fights for no reason. I sometimes start the fights but mostly Sam my brother dose. We mostly fight about toys,the romate to change the chanel,and who gets there shower first if were at the beach.

    My 2 New Years Resolution is to do as good as I can with all of my basketball games it dosen't mater if we lose or win it just maters that we have fun with what we are doing. My team is also a 3 in 0 that means my team won three games and lost zero games. My team also won our scrimages on friday & sunday. I am very glad about my New Years Resolutions I think they will all be a secses!!!!!!!!!!

  13. one of my new year Resoltion is to be undefeated in basketball for the central team. My team has 6 wins 0 lost and I hope we get more wins and make more shots for the team to win.

    Another Resoltionis to get my golden reitrever sky walker witch we call him walker to go to the bathroom outside he is 11 weeks old.

    another resalotion is to loose wait and go outside for 3 hours instead of 2 hours.

  14. My New Year's Resolution is that I will make my bed everyday unless my mom's mom makes it for me on Monday's when she comes down to put us on the bus. My bed has 4 covers on it so I have to make it straight or my mom will not like it at all and acsed me to do it again because it was so much fun making the 4 beds in one day. I have always wanted to make my bed in the winter time and now here is my chance to make my bed in the winter time. I can't wait yo do it after I get home.

  15. One of my new year resolution is to stop biting or picking at my nails. I have that as my new year resolution because my nails are so far down that when I put my nails up against something really hard it hurts.

  16. One of my New Years Resolution is to remine my brothers to pick up there toys of the stairs because one time my brother Lego box was on the middle of the stairs and I slid on the Lego box and hurt my ankle. I couldn't walk on my foot because of that. the pain was spreading to my hole foot. That is my New Years Resolution

  17. My New Year's Resolution is that I will make my bed everyday unless my mom's mom makes it for me on Monday's when she comes down to put us on the bus. My bed has 4 covers on it so I have to make it straight or my mom will not like it at all and asked me to do it again because it was so much fun making the 4 beds in one day. I have always wanted to make my bed in the winter time and now here is my chance to make my bed in the winter time. I can't wait yo do it after I get home because my bed is always a mess.

  18. My New Years resolution is to eat more fruits and vegetable.

  19. My New Years Resolution is to work really hard on school work. My other one is to get more sleep at night.

  20. mine is to start helping my mom clean up around the house!!!

  21. mine is i want to help my nan babysit the kids

  22. my new years resolution is to get better grades because im not so good at sicence and langue arts and spelling.

  23. My New Year Resolution is to not go on the computer as much as last year.

  24. My new years resolution is to NOT drive the substitute teacher or teacher like Gabby does.I don't want to drive the teacher crazy because if i do i will probably get in trouble like Gabby does:D

  25. Mine is to stop picking on my sister.

  26. I will get better grads in school.

  27. my new years resulotion is to act my age (10) because sometimes I act like a 5yr. old :)

  28. My New Year's Resolution's are to be a better daughter to my parent's, to remember to read my scriptures more, and to help out when Emmalee is born.

  29. My new year resolusion is to get more sleep at night and to do better on school work.

  30. mine is to do better in scool

  31. My New year's resolion is to be nicer to my brother.

  32. My new years new year's resoulision is to help train my dog to be a fighter.

  33. my new years resalution is to be good at cooking hard thing Heaven

  34. SIENNA :) !!!!!!!!!!!!January 5, 2011 at 9:34 AM

    MY NEW YEARS RESOLUTION IS 2 ..... UM ....HELP PEOPLE MORE OFTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  35. Mine is that I want to watch my foster mom help my foster sister to play the gutar.....

  36. my new years resolusion is to
    stop putting my brothers head
    in head locks and keep on getting
    better grades so i can get 100

  37. whoevers reading dis SHUT UP U *****

  38. !@#$#@%%$#$@*&*#@$!%$% I SAID SHUT UP!!!!!!!

  39. act my age act my age act my age act my age!!!!!

  40. My new years resolusion is to get better at geometry. I also hope to get better at fractions.

  41. My New Years resolution is to inprove my writing in school.

  42. My new years resaloution is to get better at fractions and math.

  43. My new years resolusion is to get alot better at math. Also I hope to get better at geometry.

  44. My new years resolution is to do better writing

  45. My new years resalotion is doing good in school and doing good in libzry and take care of my recorder wance I get it and practice so I can do good

  46. My new years resoulition is to get better at fractions.

  47. If I rout the new year revolution It would so go peopleould what my otergraf and they would what to take a picecher with me and it would be better then the old on they had made.

  48. My new years resolution is to get better at my subtraction skills

  49. My New Year resolution is to inprove on my writing, math, and fractions.

  50. My New Years resolution is to setting the table, playing with my friends more, and help out around the house more.

  51. My New Year's resolution is to inprove my math skills.I will do this by working harder and cheking my work.

  52. My New Year's resolution is to get better at math,times, and divide.I will also try harder to check my work.

  53. My New year's Resolutions is to get better at ping pong and learn more about my cat.I would like to get better at returning my homework on time and to get better at math.

  54. My new years resolution is to be a better baseball player. I would also like to improve in math at school and get better at reading by reading more books.

  55. My new years resolution is to start taking care of the Earth and get better in math.

  56. My new years resolution is to start keeping my room clean so I can find more stuff quicker and I get special treats.

  57. My New years resolution is to right longer stories.I can do this by listening to Mr.Sweitzer when he's talking about writing

  58. My New years resolution is to practice drawing more so I can become an artist when I grow up.

  59. My new years resolution is to take better care of my dog by playing with him more and taking him outside. I will make sure his water dish is full and that he has food to eat.

  60. Mrs. Knisley's ClassJanuary 7, 2011 at 2:33 PM

    Our New Year's Resolution is to make good choices at school and do our best work.

  61. Our New Year's Resolution is to learn more math and read many more books!

  62. my new years resolution is to improve in ice hockey

  63. My New Years resalution is to keep my room clean.

  64. My new years resolution is to be nice to my sister and to read a lot more than I usally do which is a lot
