Sunday, January 30, 2011

It Is Super Bowl Week!
This is Super Bowl week and, if you live in Pennsylvania, chances are you are rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers! Click here to learn a little of the history of the team. Then write a Did you know question about something you learned that you found interesting.

Here is my example:

Did you know the Pittsburgh Steeler helmet has the logo only on one side?


  1. GREEN BAY WILL WIN NO DOUBT.........unless the steelers cheat yet again.........sigh...........
    i have one thing to say though..................

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  3. did you know that the steelers won the super blow 6 times and GreenBay going to win this time!!!!!!!!

  4. Holy smokes! The Pittsburgh Steelers have been around longer than I have. That's because they were founded in 1933, 78 years ago. That's even older than my parents! Arthur Rooney was the founder of the Steelers football organization. It's hard to believe that they started out as the Pittsburgh Pirates. We'd be saying "Beat 'em Bucs" on Sunday instead of "Here We Go, Steelers, Here We Go!"I wonder what Rooney would think about them today. They have won more Super Bowls than any other team...ever! I also noticed that the Green Bay Packers were a football team before the Steelers were. I wonder what year that franchise began.

  5. WOW!!!! The Steelers logo is based on the Steelmark logo belonging to the American Iron and Steel Institute. Created by U.S. Steel Corp.
    In the 1950s, when helmet logos became popular, the Steelers added players' numder to either side of their gold helmets.

  6. Wow! On January 21, 1979 the Steelers and the Cowboys were in a super bowl together. The Coyboys started out with a win but boy the Steelers did a great job to catch up to the Coyboys.The score at the beginning was 14 to 7. In the 3rd quarter the Steelers were still in the lead. Then the score was 21 to 14. Early in the 4th quarter the Steelers scored 2 touchdowns! I wonder how the Steelers felt about scoring all the touchdowns in the 4th quarter. Then the Pittsburgh Steelers walked out of the stadium with a victory!!

  7. WOW I had no clue!!!! The Steelers logo is based on the Steelmark logo belonging to the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). Created by U.S. Steel Corp. (now known as USX Corp.), the logo contains three diamond shaped stars.
    In the 1950s, when helmet logos became popular, the Steelers added players' numbers to either side of their gold helmets. For exampel: Troy Polamalu he has a number 43 on his helmet with a gold stripe going down the middle of his helmet!

  8. Holy smokes the Pittsgurgh steelers won SIX suwper bowl in 1978 they won against the Minnesota Vikings 6 to 16 stelers and in 1976 against the Dallas Cowboys 31 to 35 stellers and in 1980 against the Los Angeles Rams 19 to 31 stellers And in 2006 against Seattle Seahawks 10 to 21 stellers AND in 2009 against the Arizona Cardinals 23 27 stellers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Did you know that Bert Bell a old Steelers player was in the hall of fame he must of be very good player because you have to be good player to be in the hall of fame. Bert Bell play for (1941-1946) and Jack ham Player (1971-1982) and John Henry Johnson Player (1960-1965). Elected in 1987. John Henry Johnson Player (1960-1965). Elected in 1987.Mel Blount Player (1970-1983). Elected in 1989.
    Terry Bradshaw Player (1970-1983). Elected in 1989.
    Franco Harris Player (1972-1983). Elected in 1990.
    Jack Lambert Player (1974-1984). Elected in 1990Chuck Noll Coach (1969-1991). Elected in 1993.
    Mike Webster Player (1974-1988). Elected in 1997.
    Lynn Swann Player (1974-1982). Elected in 2001.
    John Stallworth Player (1974-1987). Elected in 2002.
    Rod Woodson Player (1987-1996). Elected in 2009.

  10. I never knew that the Steelers used to have there helmets with players numbers on them. Then the team changed the numbers to a logo that said Steel. I guess they did not like the logo that said Steel and changed the word Steel to Steelers and they left it that way and the team today is still called the Steelers.

  11. The Terrible Towle is not an instrument of witchcraft... It is not a hex upon the enemy. The towel is a positive force that lifts the Steelers to magnificent heights - and poses mysterious difficulties for the Steelers' opponents only if need be.Still, at the least, the symbol of the terrible towel will serve as a memento of your having been part of the Steelers' Dynasty.

    [This is a paragraph for the statement at the bottom}

    OH MY GOSH!!!! At first I had no clue what the Terrible Towle was or what it was about.But now I know what the Terrible Towle is.It is a towle to cheer on the Steelers football players. They arn't trying to put offense on the other team and make them feel bad. That makes the Steelers football players back in their game.

  12. Lets go Steelers. The Steelers have been a team since 1933 that is 78 years. There was not a lot of teams in the NFL back then. The Eagles were not in the NFL back then. They won there there first super bowl against the Vikings. The thing I did not know was that the Steelers team name use to be the Pirates. They won 6 super bowls, they are about to win seven super bowls. I only have two more words to say GO STEELERS!

  13. Wow did you know that steelers logo was just the word steel well I did not. In the 1950s the logo became poplyer and in 1965 the steelers players numbers was added to there helmaents. That is amazing

  14. Wow! did you know the Pittsburgh Steelers logo was just the word steel and was not Steelers? And The Steelers had to petition the AISI in order to change the word Steel inside the steel mark to Steelers before the logo was complete. The Steelers are the only NFL team that sports their logo on only one side of the helmet.

  15. WOW Steelers have played 7 and the won 6
    The first super bowl was in January 12,1975
    The second super bowl was January 18,1976
    The third super bowl was January 21,1979
    The four super bowl was January 20,1980
    The five super bowl was February 5,2005
    The six super bowl was February 1,2009.

  16. Stellers apeard in 7 superbolls and won 6 and lost one they won 4 straght in a row. one of them was against the cowboys stellers won 21 17 stellers.
    they played vikings and won 21 6 did you know that the stellers symbol was yellow light blue and light orange. Then they beat the cowboys 31 35 then they beat the rams 19 31 and they lost to a team but I don't know who they lost to. They are not my favorite team pairots are and I am rooting for packers.

  17. Wow! I can`t beleave the steelers won 31 to 19 to the Los angales rams. The steelers had 12 more more points then the rams. The steelers had alot more points then the rams.

  18. Did you know that Jack Ham played for the Steelers Jack ham is in the hall of fame Jack must be a good play because you have to be a good player to be in the hall of fame. Did you know that the Steeers won 6 super bowl

  19. I cant bevel that thay dont have Ben Rosenberg in the stealer in pro foot boll hall of fame . I have a fling that the stealer are going to whin the spore bole and because that whun the sooper boll 6 time

  20. I thought that the terrible towel was a sign for the steelers but now I know that it is for rooting for Steelers they are Ashley rooting for the terrible towel and Steelers cool!!

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  22. WOW!!!!! I never ever even new that there was such a thing as a terrible towel till by bus driver talked about it on the bus. The terrible towel is suppose to distract the team they are plating against to get to the super bowl so they can wiin that trophey.The steelers have won 6 supor bols and if they haad won against the green bay packers they would have won there 7th super bowl.

  23. hey sterlers RULE THE PLANET

  24. My favorite team is the Steelers. What is your favorite team

  25. Did you know I like the Steelers a little bit!!!!

  26. Green Bay is going all the way. Green bay is going to win the super two years in a row.

  27. Did you know that I love what the Steeler a lot

  28. steelers RULE THIS WOLUD
