Thursday, February 3, 2011

Egypt has been in the news a lot lately. It is a very interesting country with lots of resources and a great history. Click here to visit a website on which you can learn more about Egypt. After investigating the website, write a brief paragraph about the things you learned that you found the most interesting.


  1. I read the map of Egypt. I noticed that Egypt is part of Africa. That surprised me because I thought it was part of Europe. I noticed that Egypt is in the northern part of Africa and is in the Eastern part of the country. I noticed from the picture on website that the Great Pyramids are located in Egypt. I wonder how they made those great big structures thousands of years ago.

  2. I watched the video and I got this information. I heard that back a 1,000 years ago Achent Egypt was ruled by kings called pharaohs. I also learned 5,000 years ago, the Nile River was part of one of the biggest Civilizations and they raped the dead kings softly in lemon bandages.

  3. Did you know that Egypt people pit their killed people in a thing like it is on dspae so that they make a munny and take out when the dead bady gites it sole back in to them. Did you know that there is a undis and a sun god.

  4. I never know that a farrow was torn a poet by his breather and the farrow wife pit up all the pesos of his body and pot her has bin back to gather and he rose form the ded.form this the Pepall of Egypt tho anything was possible.

  5. I watched a video about Egypt. I learned a lot of stuff I did not know about. I learned that in Egypt they keep important people in toms in the Great Pyramids of Giza. The people who put the important people in toms also put boats and other things that the important people would probably use in the Great Pyramids of Giza.

  6. I learned that Without the Nile River all of Egypt would be a desert and only about an inch 2.5 centimeters of rain falls throughout Egypt each year and the river empties into into the Mediterranean Sea.

  7. I learned that there is more wiled life In Egept then I thought there cheetahs, hyenas, crocodiles, and cobras. There are also alot of plants and water. Maby some day I will learn more.

  8. I found some information on the link that said map on it. I noticed that Egypt is part of Africa. I never even thought of looking up or asking where Egypt was in the world! I wonder if Egypt is a good or bad place to live? I notice that Egypt is the closest to the ocean called the Indian Ocean. I wonder what other countrys are in Africa. I notice that Egypt is in the northern part of Africa! I wonder how far away Africa is from the United States.

  9. I did not know Egypt would be a desert if there was no Tile River. I never knew that Egypt has like no rain or snow totally different than what we got. I did not know the kings built the pyramids I always thought that the pyramids were just there. I wonder how long it took to build the pyramids. I wonder how long the pyramids have been a part of Egypt.

  10. I read the map of Egypt. I noticed that Egypt is part of Africa. That surprised me because I thought it was part of Europe. I also noticed that Egypt is by the Indian Ocean. Egypt is in the northern part of Africa and is in the Eastern part of the country.
    From looking at the picture Egypt is a Kind of small but not to small. I wounder how many years there has been pyramids? I wounder how many pyramids there are?

  11. I read the map and Egypt is a part of Africa and I was thinking the Egypt was a part of Europe.

  12. I watched the video and I leaned that that the were kings called pharaohs that had slaves that worked on the Great Pyramids.They also made Hieroglyphics which are words that told what happened back 5,000 B.C.,.

  13. I never knew that Egypt was an anchect place that surprised me.I noticed that Egypt is part of Africa that amazed me to know all there is to know about Egypt.

  14. I read the map of Egypt. I noticed that Egypt is part of Africa. That surprised me because I thought that it was part of Northerner Asia up above China but it is really up in Northerner Africa and not Northerner Asia. I have believed this since I was 4-6 years old. I wonder how long ago Egypt was infested and how many people live there long long ago?

  15. I thought that the Egypt was not real but know it was real they cother up there body and they put there in tooms sometimes they put it in the muzamu when a whethly posein die they rap them in bendse the king is called a baero .

  16. In 1882, the British invaded and occupied Egypt. The British wanted control of the Suez Canal, which linked the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and greatly shortened the sailing trip from Asia to Europe. The British stayed until Egypt declared independence in 1952.

  17. egypt has a lot of pirimid

  18. I realy dont care about Egypt
    that much I like the weird

  19. I did not know that the markes are crounded

  20. I leared ABouT EygIpT iN LiU SumMeR ACCADamY
    It wAs FUn To LEarN ABoUt. We wATcHED MovIeS
    thERe 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It WaS fuN

  21. they people that lived in Eygipt very cared about lapperds,elephants,and lot of other animals, thats why they drew them on the walls
