Sunday, March 27, 2011

International Children's Book Day

This Saturday, April 2, is International Children's Book Day. It is a day set aside to inspire the love of reading and call attention to children's books. The day is celebrated on the birthday of Hans Christian Anderson, the writer of many children's stories. All of us have a favorite story from our early childhood. What is yours? Why do you like it? What makes you remember it?

My favorite book from when I was a child was Millions of Cats. It is a very old book, written in 1928, when my father was only three. It was his favorite storybook and he would read it to my brother and me all the time. There is a very good message in the story. We read it so often we had most of it memorized, especially this line which is repeated a lot - "Hundreds of cats, thousands of cats, millions and billions, and trillions of cats!"


  1. I have tons of books that I absolutely loved as a child and even children's books that I love as an adult. However, the one that stands out most from my childhood is Green Eggs & Ham by Dr. Seuss. I remember first being able to read the entire story by myself. I would read it over and over and over and over again. It was a "big" book to me and I was extremely proud of being able to read it all by myself.

  2. I love many books since I was little! But my all time favorite was Wacky Wednesday by Dr. Suess. I loved it because it always made me laugh! It made me laugh because their were many different things funny on each and every page like people sitting in a lake or it could be something like someone on the picture with out a head! I remember the first time I could read all by my self! I was soooo proud of my self because my parents would never read as funny as I could do it! I also remember when I heard it the first time when my Grandma read it to me! That was the only book I wanted to read for a while until I loved other kinds of books to and I could read more! That was my favorite book from when I was a little kid!

  3. My favorite Children book is Fox in Sox. I like this book because it helped me learn how to take words with the same ending and make it in to a GREAT poem. This is one of the things I remember doing, 'Nicks licks micks chicken finger wall,ricks ticks his clock.'

  4. I love all my book but the one that stands out the most is that book that my Grandmother mom gave to me and it is called A IS FOR ANNABELLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it so much because it has my name on it and it is spelled the same way and I love it so much because I have a connotation because my Grandmother gave me her doll and all the supplies that came with it and in the story it is the same thing the little girl named Annabelle got all of her grandmas dolls stuff too. But what I like most about is the my Grandmother mom got it so it is a pass-down so I might pass it down too!!!!

  5. The book that will be my childhood book is Green Eggs and Ham. I will remember that book from all the things we do to celebrate Dr.Seuss the reason that helps me remember that book is the fact that it is written by Dr.Seuss. I liked that book when I was four because I use to like making things rhyme but then I stop doing that because if keep on doing in school when I am writing it won't be my best work if I make everything rhyme. When I was four that was a lot of reading for me, but when I got older that wasn't hard to read, but is fun to read so sometimes I do read it.

  6. I do not have a favorite book but I have tons of books that are my favorite like Geronimo stillton, Harry potter, and lightning thief but I will choose what I am reading witch I was reading lightning theif but my dog riped it up so I can't read any more until I get that same book. so right now I am reading Geronimo stillton and I love reading these books every day I am proud of myself for reading these even no I read them with no problem in 1st grade.

  7. I have a lot of books but I did not read them all. The tipe of book I like is Greek Mythology and mistorys books I have so many books I did not read them all. But if I had to chose it would be Persy Jackson books.

  8. My favorite Children book is Fox in Sox. I like this book because it helped me learn how to make a good poem it was my favorite book from when I was a little kid! I remember the first time I could read all by my self it was amazing because my parents where so proud of me.

  9. My favorit book is IF YOU TAKE A MOUSE TO SCHOOL.The reson why it is my favorit because when it keeps saying then he'll want this then he'll want that then at the end of the story it goes back to the begining like he'll want a book to go with it it'll say that at the end of the again.That's my favorit book IF YOU TAKE A MOUSE TO SCHOOL.

  10. I have one great book that I absolutely love Geronimo Stilton I love those books because they are just so hysterical. They are hysterical because in the one book "The Mysterious Cheese Thief" the girls house is made out of Stilton cheese and Geronimo is trying to "taste" the Stilton cheese because it is a family "recipe" and eh never had it before. It is one of my favorite books because it has lots of adverbs and if it said,"cold" it would make the word "cold" look like ice sickles. And for the word "hot" it would make the word in flames or in cursive.

  11. I don't have a favorite book but if I had to pick I would pick a book in The Secrets of Droon my favorite book from the serese is number 9 The Tower of the Elf King. I like this book because it is like a great book I can imagine it happening right in front of me.

  12. My favorite children's is book is Ten Apples Up On Top by Dr. Suess. That book was so amazing when I was little. I read the book like 5 times a day. When I went to kengarden I read the book to my teacher then my class. Still today I read that book but I don't like to because it take me a short time to read. I still read it sometimes. I know 1 thing that I remember and that is boom because they all ran into a wagon filed with apples.

  13. My favorite children book is Geronimo Stilton books because Geronimo Stilton was scared of Halloween because there were alot of people that dress like mummy,alien,and vampire.

  14. I don't have a favorite book because I like a lot of books but if I had to pick I would pick Ramona and Beezus books because Ramona and Beezus are intelligent wonderful are creative and are awesome and amazing and in the books it makes you want to keep reading and have a lot of detail. Ramona and Beezus are to sisters that love each other very much.

  15. One of my favorite books out of all books is click clack moo I can't remember the author name. It is a very very,very very,very very funny and crazy.!!!!!!!!!!!!I love they whey that it is so unpredictable for when you read it for the first time. I love the books drawing they makes a lot more sense if you look at them very carefully at them. It was one of my first books I read and I was very proud of myself when I read it and I read it over and over again.I love that books

  16. My favorite children book is Big Nate. I like Big Nate because it is very funny and it is like his notebook and in his notebook he makes fun of his teacher, Gina, his dad,and is sister.

  17. I love 1 particular book series. They are The Secrets Of Droon. My favorite Droon book is Mask Of Malabian. Even though it is weird freaky crazy and cool, I still love them. The first time I read them I was like CRAZY!!!! I was happy that I started reading them.

  18. My favorite children's book is Chester. I LOVE Chester because it is really funny. I love that book so much I even bought the book at this book fair at my school. People love that book so much I got the last one!

  19. My favorite book is THE SNOWY DAY BY JACK KEATS.I like this book because it reminds me of when me and my freinds play in the snow.When it snows it reminds me of THE SNOWY DAY.

  20. My favorite book is Ghost Tale for Christmas Time.It is a new one, it was written in 2010.It's my favorite book because I like ghost.

  21. My favorite book is "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.". well there are a lot of those books but my favorite one was "Free at Last". I like this book because when my teacher read the book to me I thought If he would not make that speech we wouldn't have a lot of friends.

  22. My favorite book is Has Enyone Lost A Glove. It is a book about a caring person.I read it all the time. I had it since I was 3.

  23. My favorite childerens book is chester because he is a funny book and he is alway being note and he is always get in trobel and that is why I like that book.

  24. My favorite childrens book is probaly The Cat in the Hat. I like because it is kind if funny. I have probaly read it like 30 times.

  25. My favorite book was Pat the Bunny.I liked Pat the Bunny because in the book you pet a fuzzy bunny. How I remember the story is that my mom and I always use to read it.

  26. My favorite book is Year in Sports 2011. I like it because it has so many sports in it. I also like it because I see new athletes in it.

  27. My favorite book is green eggs and ham. I remember it because I love green eggs and ham. I like it because I love Dr. Seuss.

  28. My favorite book is The Kings Taster. I like it because it has a dog as one of the main characters.It is also a good book and I really enjoyed it.

  29. My favorite book is The Little Kitten.I like The Little Kitten because it's a funny book and it's about my favorite animal ,witch is a cat.I can remember The Little Kitten because I have read The Little Kitten alot of times and it's a great book.

  30. My favorite book is Yurtle The Turtle. I like that book becuase I like turle's and my brother and I have a pet turtle. I also like that book because I like Dr.Suess and I think he his funny.

  31. My favorite books are the Captain Underpants books. I like them because they are funny. What makes me remember them is that it is about a superhero in underwear and silly adventures.

  32. My favorite book is called The Secerets Of Droon. I like that book because it is magical and has lots of action in it. And so it has a door that can lead you there and that is cool.

  33. I liked to read The Fly Guy books. My favorite one was when the old lady ate fly guy. I think it is funny that the fly always says buzzz and that was the boy's name so the fly could always say the boy's name.

  34. My favorite book is Wolven. I like that book because it's about a wolven who needs too find moor wolvens. Another reson I like wolvs. The last reson is because I like advevture books.

  35. My favorite book is Junie B. Jones. I like this book because they are funny, and silly. I remember it from when my mom read it to me when I was little.

  36. My favorite books are books with adventure and mythology. So my favorite book is the lightning thief i love the adventure and mysterey in the series. Now I right books of my own and i'm only 10!
