Tuesday, March 22, 2011

March is Music In The Schools Month

Music plays a very important part in the lives of most people. I know that I listen to all kinds of music almost any chance I get. I like to listen to my ipod when I walk; I like to see musical theater productions; I like to listen to the radio when I work and read.

What role does music play in your life? What kind of music do you listen to? Do you play an instrument? What instruments do you like? Tell us a little about music in your life!


  1. I listen to Country.I love Country because the songs are terifice.My favorite song for country is Chicken Frie.

  2. I listen to hip hop. I love hip hop because it makes me want to dance.I love to dance! My favorite song is A Year Without Rain by Selena Gomez.

  3. I listen to country music. I like country music because the people who make country music have some good songs.One of my FAVORITE songs is Higher by Tio Cruz.

  4. I listen to hip hop. I like it because it makes me won't to sing.One of my favorite song is Not Afraid by Eminem.

  5. I listen to pop music. Pop music is my favorite because of the great beat. The role that pop music plays In my life is that it makes me feel happy. The instrument that I play is the recorder. My favorite instrument is the violin. we listen to music in my house all the time.

  6. I play the guitar.I play the guitar because I like how the guitar sounds in songs and it's fun.I like to play my guitar in my room.

  7. I listen to rock. I like rock because I like the beat. My favorite song is "Wake me up Inside". The instrument that I play is the recorder but my favorite instrument is the electric guitar.Why do I like the electric guitar because it makes a cool sound. I also like it because sometimes the electric guitar has cool designs.

  8. My favorite tune to listen to would be rap because it,s grovy and I love to dance to it and it has a good bet.And my favorite songs thats rap would be Just A Dream and AirPlanes.

  9. I listen to hip hop. I like to listen to hip hop because I like to dance to it. My favorite song is Down by Jay Sean.

  10. I like to listen to rap.I dont play an instrument.My favorite song is not afraid by eminem

  11. I don't have a favorite type of music, I like all music. I play the recorder and piano. My favorite song is FireFlies by the group Owl City.

  12. I like to listen to hip hop. My sister an I like to listen to music on the trampoline. Also I used to play the piano.

  13. My favorite instrument to listen to are drums. I like the loud sound they make. I like all different types of music. I have no favorite style. Sometimes music makes me feel happy and excited. Music in the car makes trips seem faster.

  14. My favorite instrument is the guitar. I like it because its like you can make any sound of music. I like to make music that people play.

  15. My favorite kinds of music are pop and rock. My favorite pop song is Fire Burning by Sean Kingston. My favorite rock song is Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold. My favorite instruments are drums and guitar. I played them on Rock Band and Guitar Hero. I want to take drum lessons when I go to North Hills and when I go to Middle School I want to take guitar lessons.

  16. One of my favorite Wii games is Rock Band. I can play the guitar or the drums to a lot of different songs. I like to sing to songs in the car. I also like the different sounds that different instruments make. My favorite instrument is the drums. I listen to music that my dad likes. Juke Box Hero is one we sing loud and my mom laughs at us.

  17. My favorite kind of music is pop music. I like pop music because its cool sounds in it. I also Like pop music because of its good musicians. my favorite musicians is Usher. I like usher because he has a good voice

  18. My favorite music is rock. I like rock because it makes me energized. My favorite song would half to be Club Can't Handle Me.

  19. I dont know what my favorite music is.But my favorte song is. Gernade By Bruno Mars

  20. My favorite tipe of music is Hip Hop. My favorite Hip Hop is Yeah3X by Chris Brown. My favorite insturment is the micherphone beacause I like to be the center of attention.

  21. I love how music has the ability to change my mood. Sometimes, when I am feeling blue, a song will come on the radio and lift my spirits. Songs also help keep me awake when I drive to my parents' house, which is 4 1/2 hours away. I listen to my favorite rock band, Everclear, really loud in the car and sing along (I sound nothing like them!)Musicals are one of my favorite forms of entertainment. I go to musicals every chance I get. Some of my favorites include Rent, Jersey Boys, and Hairspray. I get totally engrossed in the story and music of the shows. I do not like listening to my iPod, which sounds really weird. It's because I hate the feeling of earbuds or headphones on...not because I don't want to listen to the music.

  22. I love music because it really cheers me up if I am sad or bored! I love listening to my iPod. I really like listening to music like country Taylor Swift country! My favorite songs are Love Story, and Fearless. I also get a lot of music to listen to and practice because I play violin and piano. I also am in a choir for church! I love to sing in front of people even though I get extremely nervous. Sometimes music can make me cry or it can make me very cheerful and happy. Me and my sister do little fun duets about different things like books and tissues. So I basically listen to music for my whole entire life!!!

  23. I love music because it always gets me up in the morning. The way it gets me up is that it always has a happy beat to it ( I LOVE John Willames music!!!!). My favorite John Willames piece is STAR WARS " HERE THEY COME". I like that song because it's always is exciting to me for some weird reason. The instrument I play is the piano. ( I can play two star wars songs on the piano!!!!) The instrument I like the most is the trumpet. Yes, I LOVE how it's some small and it's easy to carry about!!!!!!

  24. I love all kinds of music but...... I LOVE calm and slow music. I have no idea why I like this type of music but I gust do. I think I like this because I lessen to this type of music all the time like when I get n up to go to school my alarm plays calm music. I love to go to musicals too. I only went to one musicals (I forget want musicals is was). I lessen to my ipod all the time and I have a lots and lots of songs. My faviort song is "Jar of harts" By Kelly Clarkson!!!!!

  25. Why I love music is because it has the ability to help me with my homework no mater what kind it is as long as it is funny and awesome and it does not hurt my ears. Music somehow just comes to life then it seems to pull you up and tell you what to do like twirl and take 3 steps to the right and then twirl again then to the left and then the right and do it over and over again and then it just gets stuck in your brain and then it will not let go of you like a family or a friend. My favorite kind of music is calm and relaxing because if I am mad it calms me out and then I am no longer mad at then and they say there sorry. I have always loved music and I always will no matter where I am and that is true !!!!!!!!

  26. I love music because it really cheers me up if I am sad or bored! I love listening to my iPod. I really like listening to music like country Taylor Swift country! My favorite songs are Love Story, Fearless,And You belong with me. Sometimes music can make me cry or it can make me very cheerful and happy. I like to play the piano because it lifts up my sprit. I also make up songs with my brother because he plays the gutair and I have a piano. I made up a song were the beginning was oh.... JELLY BEANS JELLY BEAND JELLY BEANS they are so good for you once you eat them you can't stop, OH... JELLY BEANS JELLY BEANS JELLY BEANS THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!!! So I basically listen to music for my whole entire life!!!

  27. I love music by Tio cruze because I love his songs ever sines I was 4. I play a guttar I only know one song but is is short. I lisen to pop because it is nice to lisen to. But I also like hip pop because it makes me go to sleep but I do not know why.

  28. I like to listen to music but I don't have a favorite song or a favorite type of music I like songs like cooler then me and a lot lot more songs but I know there names but I can't say them all. I like listing to songs on the radio, ipod, and computor I also like to sing music in my mind and out loud in my car. Even when people are in the car but I sing loud loud when people besides my family in the car. I love music!!! any where.

  29. I love music but I don't really have a favorite song I like a lot of songs but if I had to pick I would pick back to december by taylor swift I like it because it just makes me happy some times and I like the tune and sometimes if I feel sad I listen to it and it makes me happy and if I had to play a instrument it would be the piano and guitar because I like them both and they both sound awesome.

  30. The person that I like to listen to a lot is Jay-z's music (only the clean version's of his songs though). Some of my favorite songs that he sings in Run this town, Empire state of mind and Umbrella. I have all those songs but I don't have Run this town. They are also some my favorite songs in the WORLD! I all so have other favorite songs in the world. I also have one of Shean Kingston's songs. It's called Letting Go. I also like a lot more songs that are pretty good to. I also like Tieo Cruz.

  31. I love music. I love music because I here music every day when my big bother Casey sleeps with music LLLOOOOOUUUUUDDDD and he sleeps with his door open and I sleep about 10 feet away from his room my favorite song is grenade and he dose not play it that much but I LOVE it SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. l like a lot of song but the one I love is the eye of a tiager and it is a good song but it is very sort song a 1 min and 30 sectes. I like it because it is a 80 's. I do not play a instmint. If I can I will the drum. I think that hop hop is not my cande of stiler

  33. The music I like would be cooler then me and a lot lot more songs but I know there names but I can't say them all. I like listing to songs on the radio, ipod, and computer I also like to sing music in my mind and maybe even in the car. My favorite instrument would be the Base and Guitar because I like them both and they both sound awesome.

  34. I like "Pop" music the best but I like all music.My favorite singer is Bruno Mars, and my favorite song is Grenade, We the children in rap, and 1,2,3,4 I like them because they are all catchy.

  35. Music is a very busy role in my life I here it everyday and I play it everyday.I do play a instrument I play piano that is my favorite instrument is and was piano I like to here myself play and so dose my family.My brother and other family members ether is playing now our was at some point. My aunt is one of my piano teacher.I listen to mostly country but I sometimes listen to other kinds or music I like Taylor Swift and her songs. I love to do musical they bring me more to life and brings up my sprits when I am blue.

  36. My favorite song is grenade by Bruno Mars. I play two interments one is the guitar and the recorder. I listen to my ipod touch all the time. Music is like half of my life. I could listen to ANY type of music to make me happy. The reason why I like the song grenade is the fact that it is slow in the beginning then it gets into the pop style. Some times my sister is talking but I am really listening to my ipod touch. Music is a big part of my life and it always will be.

  37. I love music! I don't know what I'd do with out music. I love to listen to my mp3 player with all my favorite pop song on it. I don't not play an instrument. But I do like the wonderful sound of the trumpet. When my brother would come home from school with his trumpet he would practice and I would always listen. When I get in 4th grade I really hope my mom will let me play a trumpet. My favorite song is pop music and the song is called Et by Katy Perry. I listen to her song like 5 times a day. That's how much I love that song.By the way I LOVE music!

  38. I like the song "You say good by" and the song "revaluation" because there relaxing and there both done by the same band. The band is called The beetles. they are my favorite band. I like relaxing songs because it loosens my muscles when they are tight. that`s why I like music.

  39. I love music in my opinion. When I grow up I want to play the Violin. On the radio I like to listen to 99.3. My favorite song to listen to is Bruno Mars Grenade Chris Brown Yeah 3 times and Jar of Hearts by Kelly Clarkson. I don't bother to listen to my I Pod because of the ear plugs. They annoy my ears so much I don't listen to it. I like groups of the people who sing. Like Lady Antebellum.

  40. My favrot music is pop songs and hip/hpo music because I like to dance and do a lot of things I like clasic music ans slow music I don't only like hip/hpo music or pop I like other songs to but my most favrot is hip/hop,pop.

  41. I like all different music but my favorite is Jordan Sparks is ONE STEP AT A TIME that's my song and I like it so much I listen too it all the time sometime I ask my mom can you turn it on. And sometime I ask my bus driver if he can turn it on every day that's my favorite song .

  42. I play the clarinet. It is my favorite instrument to play.

  43. Me to I also play the piano.

  44. I like music. It's one of my favorite specials. I like singing. That's why I like music
