Sunday, September 21, 2014

Summer is Officially Over  
Does the end of summer make you sad? Or are you looking forward to a great fall? Maybe you like winter best? But the spring brings amazing flowers and trees! What is your favorite season and why do you like it? Put your answer in full sentences being sure to capitalize the first letter of each sentence and put a proper mark of punctuation (. ! ?) at the end of your sentences.


  1. I really enjoy summer. It is nice to go outdoors and spend time at the beach. It is a good time to ride bikes. I also enjoy having more time to spend with my daughters.

    1. I like to play at the park in the summer.

    2. Cool Adah! Do you know what park you go to? I go to Cousler.

    3. I like to play outside to


  2. I like fall and spring because those seasons have the perfect weather. I love to play in spring. Fall is really cool.

    1. Spring is to hot! I like winter and fall.whey do you like spring?

    2. Fall and spring do have perfect weather.

    3. I just really like spring. I agree with Vanessa!

  3. I like to go to the park

    1. What park do you go to? I go to Cousler Park. My family and I like to go to the park a lot.

    2. cousler park or the one a cross the rode

    3. cousler park or the one a cross the rode

  4. Ann WC
    I'm very happy to see summer fade away. Hot and humid weather isn't my favorite. Bring on fall, changing leaf colors, and cooler temperatures!

  5. I really like fall because I like to play football . I like to play with my team .
    I also like to play football at recess.

    1. I like it to because I like to play football whith my teme.

    2. I like playing football too!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. You play football?

  6. I like summer and winnter.I like summer because it is a nice time to play outsaid.I like winnter because I like to play in the snow.

  7. I really like Winter. Really like to make snowman with my sister and after words we like to get hot chocolate and like sledding with my family we go to are church and we go sledding down.

    1. I like to to. I like to build a snowman with my brother. I also like to go sledding to.

  8. I like to go sleding in the winter. I like to sled with my friends . I sled down this big hill right out side my house.

  9. Truly, I love all seasons. Winter is fun to go sleding and skiing. Spring is filled with flowers. In summer you can go swimming. Then there's fall and the cool weather rolls around again.

    1. Great job Lily, you found good things about all of the seasons!

  10. I like fall because I like to go outside to play at my frends hous .

  11. I love love fall!!!!!!!!!!! I love the apple cider. and I am going to try Honey crisp apples.What is your favorite season?

    1. I LIKE CANDY!!!!!!

    2. ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. My favorite season is winter.Also in winter there is no school.And in winter everyday I get hot coco.And thats why I like winter.

  13. My favorite season is fall. First, I love fall because my birthday is in October. Also, Halloween is a really fun holiday for me, and it's also in October. Finally, I love taking pictures of the beautiful trees, and I like taking family pictures. I'm glad it's fall!

  14. My favorite season is summer because it is the only time of the year that my family will go camping.

  15. I like summer better.I'm really sad that last week was the 1st day of fall.It is nice and swimming is so fun!

  16. My favorite season is winter because it is cold,I can throw snow balls,and make igloos.

  17. Yes and No because I love to swim in summer and also make hay.I also like fall and winter because we get to make silage and see the natural colors of fall. Winter is also joyous because we get to see natural weather flakes and make snowmen.

  18. My favorite season is fall and winter because I shovel driveways and get paid money!

  19. My favorite season is when spring changes into summer and the days are warm and breezy and its perfect for swimming, catching bugs, riding bikes, or just hanging out with friends.

  20. I love winter because my family goes to sled dog races.I have won every race I have went to.It is really fun because you can talk to other mushers.(The driver on the sled.) Finally, I love to be out in the cold. That is why I love winter.

  21. My favorite season is summer because i love to swim and play out side.

  22. My favorite season is fall.It is my favorite season because I like jumping in piles of snow.

  23. My favorite season is fall. I absolutely love the smells and sights of this season! For example, I am obsessed with everything pumpkin, from pumpkin pie and lattes, to pumpkin candles. I also like seeing the leaves change colors and fall to the ground. In addition, I love that there's so much to do in fall. I like going to corn mazes and carving pumpkins. My birthday is also in fall. In fact, it's on Halloween, so that makes this season even more special to me!

    by Mrs. Wenger

  24. Mrs.Wanger My favorite season is fall to I love that you get to pant pumpkins and go on hay rides!

  25. Mrs.Wanger My favorite season is fall I love to pant pumpkins and go on hay rides.

  26. i,m sad that the sunmmer is over.

    1. don't be sad kid after spring then summer will come.

  27. My favorite season is summer because I like it when it is warm outside. Another reason is I love to swim. Finally I like to dress in shorts.

  28. My favorite season is summer.I like summer because it is hot.When it is hot my mom takes us to the pool.

  29. My favorite season is fall. I love fall because that's when football season is. I love going to a game in the cool autumn weather.

  30. What is your favorite season and why do you like it? My favorite season is Winter.The reason why because thats my birthday and I get to spend time with my mom. My parents are so nice to me.


  31. My favorite season is Winter.I love Winter because it is the time when my friends go sledding with my sister and me!My favorite part is drinking hot tea.

  32. my favorite season is fall. I can rake leafs and play football. I can play baseball.

  33. My favorite season is summer.I like it because the pool is open. Also I can where shorts.Also more flowers are blooming. You can go to the beach also.

  34. What is your favorite season and why do you like it?
    My favorite season is winter. I like this season because I enjoy sledding with my brothers and sisters. I like that because I enjoy spending family time outside in the snow with them.

  35. What is your favorite season and why do you like it?My favorite season is fall!Cause you get to rake leaves and when you rake leaves you get leave piles!Thats why I like fall.

  36. What is your favorite season and why do you like it?
    My favorite season is Spring. I like it because it's baseball season. I love Spring because I get play soccer.

  37. What is your favorite season and why do you like it? My favorite season is winter because you can play in the snow. I love winter because you can have 2 hour delay. When it snows you can go sledding down big hills.

    1. My favorite season is winter to. I like to sled down hills and make snowmen, walls. And one of my favorite things to do is have snowball fights with my family.


  38. my favorite season is winter because my birthday is in winter.another
    reason is I like SNOW!.finally the last reason is I like HOT CHOCOLATE.

    1. I also like hot chocolate and i love to play in the snow.
      I like to get presents from my family and santa.

      By Felix

  39. My favorite season is winter ! I love the snow and the nice warming hot chocolate. Also I the times when I have snowball fights with my brother.

    By: Anna Scott

    1. I love snowball fights. and hot chocolate

      by trent

  40. My favorite season is fall.Because my birthday is October. plus it is close to Halloween. and I LOVE candy!!

    by trent

    1. I like Halloween to but my favorite season is Winter

      By Felix

    2. I like twiks do you?

    3. My sister's birthday is the 30th of October

  41. My favorite season is winter because I love playing in the snow. Did you know we are going to get five feet of snow? we will get it soon so bundle up,I also love the winter because my birthday is in January posted by Jacob

  42. My favorite holiday is thanksgiving.I like thanksgiving because I love the gathering around the table and eating all the different food. Posted by Evelyn

  43. I am looking forward to fall because it is close to Halloween,I love seeing kids with huge bags of candy.

  44. I am ready to build a snowman and have snowball fits with my family.

    1. I like to have snowball fights and build wall for the snowball fights. And I like to build snowmen with GIANT snowballs. I love to get presents from my family, my cosins, and Santa. And my favorite season is Winter.

    2. I am to

      by trent

  45. My favorite season is the fall because there is so many things to do like tricker treating. I also like the smell of burnt leaves.I like a lot of pumpkin stuff like pumpkin bread to pumpkin carving.l like the all the leaves changing to brown,yellow,purple and red.Do you like fall because I sure do?

    By Ryan

  46. My favorite season is either winter or summer.I like winter because I love to play in the snow with my brothers Carter and Cameron and sometimes my sister Kylea comes out and we all 4 play together.I like summer because I love to swim,swimming is probably one of my favorite hobbys,I also like summer because I get to see my grandparents,my cousions,my uncles and my aunts.

  47. summer is over but fall is here.

  48. I like winter the best do you?

  49. I am so happy that Summer is over. I'm starting a new year at school. Apple cider is coming, pumpkin carving, and i'm going to sea world on the 29th of October

  50. I am sad that summer is over but I like winter the most.

  51. I'am reading a book called BIG NATE it is a funny book thats why i can not stop reading those book. I'am going to tell one page it will be good. what the-? hey guys checkout nate and francis they're playing dolls so you admit sure we're playing with dolls scuse me foom riding his bike on the ramp over the dolls can we play a moment of silence please for malibu barbie. It's a good book i think you will like it to

  52. i am really sad that summer is over but that means a new school year but before you know it summer will come
